Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual
Logicube, Inc.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Phone: 818 700 8488
Fax: 818 700 8466
Version: 1.4
Date: 2/20/06
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User Manual
Table of Contents
LOGICUBE OMNICLONE XI™ USER’S MANUAL....................................I
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................III
Using this guide............................................................................3
System description.......................................................................3
2. GETTING STARTED (FAST START)....................................................7
Connecting Parallel (IDE, EIDE, UDMA) Drives ............................7
Connecting Serial ATA (SATA) Drives..........................................8
Connecting other types of drives...................................................8
Touch Screen...............................................................................9
Calibrating the Touch Screen .......................................................9
Indicator Lights...........................................................................10
Installing and Removing the Light Bar.........................................11
3. CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS..................................................12
Time/Date Settings.....................................................................12
About Screen .............................................................................12
A Note About the Back Icon........................................................13
Clever Clone™ Mode.................................................................14
Clever Clone™ Step-by-Step......................................................14
Selective Partitions™ Mode (Optional)........................................14
Selective Partitions™ Step-by-Step............................................15
Mirror Clone™ Mode..................................................................17
Mirror Clone™ Step-by-Step.......................................................17
Master Manager™ Mode (Optional)............................................18
Master Manager™ Step-by-Step ................................................18
DELL Optiplex™ Computers and Master Manager™..................19
Verify Settings............................................................................20
Speed ........................................................................................21
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual
CHS Translation Modes..............................................................22
Security Identification Number (SID) Issues................................22
Introduction ................................................................................23
On Error (Optional)....................................................................23
On Error Step-by-Step................................................................24
Set Option..................................................................................24
Set Option Step-by-Step.............................................................25
Last Drive...................................................................................25
Last Drive Step-by-Step..............................................................25
Password ...................................................................................26
Setting a Password Step-by-Step ...............................................26
Removing a Password................................................................26
5. OMNIDIAGNOSTICS™ ......................................................................27
Scan Target Mode......................................................................27
Scan Target Mode Step-by-Step.................................................28
Repair Target Mode....................................................................28
Repair Target Mode Step-by-Step ..............................................29
WipeClean™ Target Mode .........................................................29
WipeClean™ Settings ................................................................30
Wipeclean™ Target Step-by-Step ..............................................30
6. THE DATABASE/BARCODE OPTION ...............................................32
System Contents........................................................................32
Compact Flash (CF) Files...........................................................32
Breakdown of Config.txt..............................................................33
Database.csv .............................................................................34
Database Step–by-Step..............................................................35
Database Settings Menu ............................................................36
Creating a New Config List, Step-by-Step...................................37
Barcode Scanner........................................................................38
Barcode Scanner Settings..........................................................38
7. USING THE USB PORT ......................................................................40
Minimum requirements...............................................................40
How to use under Windows (for Master Drive Management).......41
Removing USB devices..............................................................41
8. COMPACT FLASH (CF) CARD...........................................................43
Inserting and Removing the Compact Flash................................43
Connecting Through the Software Setup Menu...........................44
Removing USB devices..............................................................44
9. USER REPLACEABLE HARDWARE .................................................46
Drive Cables...............................................................................46
Proper Handling of Drive Cables.................................................47
Drive Stations.............................................................................47
Removal and Installation of a Drive Station.................................47
Power Supply.............................................................................48
Removal and Installation of the Power Supply ............................48
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual
10. SOFTWARE LOADING INSTRUCTIONS .........................................49
Loading Software Using the Compact Flash ...............................49
Loading Software Through the Parallel Port................................50
Host PC preparation...................................................................50
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ Software Update ................................51
12. REFERENCE.....................................................................................58
13. INDEX ...............................................................................................64
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual
1. Introduction to the Logicube Omniclone Xi™
Congratulations on your purchase of the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™. You are now the proud owner of a
state-of-the-art IDE/SATA disk cloning device. The
Omniclone Xi™ is designed to be easy enough to
be used by a novice, yet offers many professional
features that are not available anywhere else.
The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ copies the contents
of one hard disk drive to one or more others1. The
first drive is typically called the Master, while the
subsequent drives are called Targets. It performs
the copy at speeds that are typically 16 to 32 times
faster than they would be on a PC. The Omniclone
Xi™ first analyzes the partitions on the Master, then
acts according to a user set mode. Depending on
the mode, the unit will adjust structures to ensure
the validity of the Targets. This process is called
disk cloning.
This manual covers the following Logicube
products: OCX2i™, OCX5i™ and OCXi™. The
OCX2i™ can clone two target drives, the OCX5i™
can clone 5 target drives and the OCXi™ can clone
ten target drives simultaneously.
What Are Partitions?
Partitions are areas on the drive that define a
storage unit. Each partition is represented by a
drive letter at the operating system level (e.g. C:,
D:,...). For that reason, partitions are commonly
called logical drives, or volumes. A partition is
also associated with a file system, or a structure
for laying out files on the partition. We will use these
four words interchangeably throughout this manual.
1The Logicube Omniclone XiŒ is available in 2, 5 and 10 Target drive configurations.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Hundreds of different types of file systems have
been designed through the years. Only a handful
are in common use. Among those are FAT16,
FAT32, and NTFS.
FAT16 – The file system used by DOS since
version 3.3. This file system can be a maximum
size of 2GB, and can be used under Win95/98,
Win2000, and Windows NT. It is still a widely used
file system. FAT is the acronym of File Allocation
Table, with entries that are 16 bit wide, hence the
FAT16 name.
FAT32 – Supported by Win98, WinME and
Win2000. Entries in the FAT are 32 bits each thus
eliminating the 2GB limit and offering improved
space efficiency.
NTFS – In use by Windows NT, Win2000 and
WinXP. Offers improved access speed, and some
security and recoverability features.
The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ is “aware” of the
above three file systems and will clone them over
Clones any IDE, EIDE or Serial ATA Drive.
Data transfer rates in excess of 3.5 GB/min.
Master and Target drives can be of different
size, make and model.
Master drive can contain up to 24 partitions.
Easy to read graphical interface.
Calibrated touch screen for fast input of settings
and data.
Status of unit is displayed by a light bar that can
be seen from a distance.
Automatically scales FAT16/32, NTFS
4.0/5.0/6.0, and Windows 2000/NT/ME/XP
USB port connectivity for the Master drive.
Optional diagnostics software for drive scanning
and repairing, data recovery, and Department of
Defense (DoD) specification data wiping.
User-replaceable drive station modules and
power supply for ease of maintenance.
Removable Compact Flash (CF) Drive.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Using this guide
This user guide is made up of 11 sections:
Getting Started (Fast Start)
Cloning Modes and Settings
The Database/Barcode Option
Using the USB Port
Compact Flash (CF) Drive
User-replaceable Hardware
Software Loading Instructions
Frequently Asked Questions
Please read Modules 1. Introduction, and Module 2.
Getting Started before attempting a drive cloning
session. It is recommended that you practice with a
scratch drive to fully appreciate all of the features.
System description
The complete Logicube Omniclone Xi™ system
includes the following:
The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ unit.
For the OCX2i™, three (3) 68-pin flat ribbon
cables, three (3) drive power cables and three
(3) SATA Cables are provided.
For the OCX5i™, six (6) 68-pin flat ribbon
cables, six (6) drive power cables and six (6)
SATA Cables are provided.
For the OCXi™, eleven (11) 68-pin flat ribbon
cables, eleven (11) drive power cables and
eleven (11) SATA Cables are provided.
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual
For the OCXi™ and OCX5i™: An AC power
For the OCX2i™: An external 12VDC – 5.5A
power supply.
A light bar that mounts on the back of the unit.
NOTE: The OCX2i™ does not come with a
light bar, though one can be purchased
A bootable CD-ROM containing:
A. A backup copy of the software that is
already pre-installed on the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™.
B. Software update utilities necessary to load
the software on the unit.
C. Windows 98/ME drivers for connecting
through the USB port.
D. An electronic copy of this manual.
A 64MB Compact Flash (CF) Memory Card.
This Card is inserted into the slot in the back of
the unit.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that the CF
Card be left inside the Omniclone-Xi for optimal
This manual.
NOTE: Please contact Logicube Technical Support
at (818) 700-8488 X3 if any of the above pieces are
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Figure 1. Logicube Omniclone Xi™
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual
Caution: Avoid dropping the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ or subjecting it to sharp
jolts. When in use, place it on a flat surface.
Caution: Keep the unit dry. If you need to clean your Logicube Omniclone Xi™,
use a lightly damp, lint free cloth. Avoid using soap or other cleaning agents
particularly those containing bleach, ammonia, alcohol or other harsh chemicals.
Caution: Do not attempt to service the Logicube Omniclone Xi™! Doing so
may void the warranty. If your unit requires service, please contact Logicube
Technical Support for assistance.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
2. Getting Started (Fast Start)
Applying power to the Logicube Omniclone Xi™
The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ is able to detect
whether an IDE (parallel) or Serial ATA (SATA) drive
is attached to the Master or Target positions. The unit
is capable of cloning to/from a SATA drive to an IDE
drive and vice versa (as well as IDE to IDE and SATA
to SATA).
NOTE: Never attach both an IDE and SATA drive to
the same drive position. The unit can only handle one
drive on each position.
Before applying power perform the steps listed below.
Connecting Parallel (IDE, EIDE, UDMA) Drives
1. Locate the Master position on the top of your
Omniclone-Xi™ unit. You will notice three
connections: One for a flat cable (the drive data
cable) and another for a small drive power
cable. Above is the third connector for the
Serial ATA cable.
Note: The drive that is cloned from is always
referred to as the Master drive and the drives that
are cloned to are always referred to as the Target
2. Attach the 5” UDMA ribbon cable and the drive
Power cable to the connectors.
3. Connect the Master hard drive to the cables
and verify that the drive’s jumper is set to Single
4. Follow steps 1 – 3 to attach drives to the Target
positions of the Logicube Omniclone Xi™.
5. Connect the AC Power Cord to the back of the
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ and power-up the
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
unit. In 2 – 3 seconds, the main “Splash”
screen appears.
Connecting Serial ATA (SATA) Drives
1. Locate the Master position on the top of your
Omniclone-Xi™ unit. You will notice three
connections: One for a flat cable (the drive data
cable) and another for a small drive power
cable. Above is the third connector for the
Serial ATA cable.
Note: The drive that is cloned from is always
referred to as the Master drive and the drives that
are cloned to are always referred to as the Target
2. Attach the 5” SATA cable to the SATA and
drive power connectors.
3. Connect the Master hard drive to the cable.
Note: SATA drives usually do not need to have a
jumper set to Single Master.
4. Follow steps 1 – 3 to attach drives to the Target
positions of the Logicube Omniclone Xi™.
5. Connect the AC Power Cord to the back of the
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ and power-up the
unit. In 2 – 3 seconds, the main “Splash”
screen appears.
Connecting other types of drives
Logicube sells specialized adapters that allow the
following types of drives to be connected to the
Logicube Omniclone Xi™:
2.5” Laptop drives (also called Notebook drives).
1.8” Laptop drives, (e.g. Toshiba iPod™ drives).
Compact Flash (CF) Drives.
Other specialized adapters are also available. If you
are unsure about the type of drive that you have,
please contact Logicube Technical Support for
Note: SCSI drives and older IDE drives that are
smaller than 500MB (unless LBA-enabled) are not
supported by the Logicube Omniclone Xi™.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Power and Reset buttons
The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ includes one On/Off
switch and one reset button. The power switch is a
rocker switch that is located on the unit’s power
supply. The reset button is located on the back of the
unit underneath the Compact Flash Drive slot.
When the unit needs to be soft-booted (or power
cycled), press the reset button and hold it in
momentarily. Wait a couple of seconds and let go,
the unit will reboot and be ready to use in a few
NOTE: User settings are retained after the unit is
The user interface
The user interface (UI) has been designed with the
professional in mind. It is fast, responsive, and to the
point; which means it requires very few key strokes to
achieve a desired action.
NOTE: Please refer to Figure 6 as you read the
information below.
Touch Screen
The Omniclone Xi™ features an LCD Touch Screen
that allows the user to quickly input commands. This
screen replaces many of the buttons that were
present on older Logicube duplication products. The
screen is bright and easy to read. It also emits an
audible beep every time the touch screen is pressed.
This lets the user know that the touch screen is active.
Calibrating the Touch Screen
There may be times when the user wants to
recalibrate the Touch Screen. The procedure for this
is very simple as outlined in the procedure below:
1. Press the Reset button on the back of the unit
and hold it in.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
2. Press and hold the Set button, then release the
Reset button.
3. Hold the Set button until the unit boots to a
screen that reads “Touchpad Calibration.
Please touch square with finger (1/5)”.
4. Look for a square at the top of the screen.
Touch the square when it is located.
5. Repeat the previous step four more times. The
unit will count each time the square is pressed
correctly. It will count (1/5), (2/5), etc.
6. Once the screen has been calibrated, it will
reboot to the Main Menu Screen.
The Omniclone Xi™ features two “Shortcut” buttons
that are located to the right of the touch Screen.
These buttons are available at all times.
START/STOP Button – Press it twice to begin a
cloning operation using the current settings; press
the START/STOP button in mid process to abort it.
A single key stroke presents a preview screen
where you can see the current setting, and decide
whether to press it again to begin the capture, or
back out to reconfigure.
SET Button – Press this button once to bring you
to the settings screen where you can change
capture modes and other settings of the unit.
Indicator Lights
The Omniclone Xi™ has indicator lights that are
located on the User Interface panel as well as on the
light bar. The lights are as follows:
The POWER indicator light is a red LED located to the
right of the Touch Screen. It remains on while the
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ is receiving power.
The STATUS indicator lights are located to the left of
the Touch Screen as a series of green LED’s. Each
Master and Target drive position has a corresponding
Status indicator. These lights are lit during cloning
operations and any operation that accesses the
Master or Target drive. They will flash as data is
transferred from one drive to the other.
The GREEN light on the light bar is also a general
Status indicator light. It will blink during a cloning or
diagnostic operation. In addition, if the unit completes
an operation successfully the green light will stay lit.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
If an error occurs during cloning, the Status indicator
lights on the front panel will shut off. If one of the
drives caused the error to occur, the Status LED of
the drive will remain lit.
The AMBER light on the light bar lights up when the
unit prompts the user to enter information during a
cloning or diagnostic operation.
The RED light will come on if a problem is
encountered during cloning or any other operation. If
this occurs, check the screen for an error message
and instructions on what to do next.
Installing and Removing the Light Bar
The light bar is attached to the back of the Omniclone
Xi unit and can be removed if desired. This will not
affect the performance of the unit.
1. To install the light bar on the OCXi or the
OCX5i, it first needs to be attached to the back
of the unit with four supplied thumb-screws.
NOTE: The OCX2i does not come with a light
bar, though one can be purchased separately.
2. Attach the light bar’s power cable to the six-hole
Molex™ connector that is located on the back
of the unit to the right of the Compact Flash
Drive slot.
3. Light bar removal is the opposite of installation.
Figure 2. Buttons and Interface
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
3. Cloning Modes and Settings
Main Menu Screen
The main menu screen appears when the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™ is first powered up. It displays the
Title Screen and the Time/Date. It also displays
two menu options: About and Drives.
Time/Date Settings
The Omniclone Xi™ has a real-time clock that
keeps track of the correct time and date. The time
and date can be easily set by following this
1. Touch the screen over the Time and Date. A
numeric Keypad will come up.
2. Type in a number from 1 to 23 for the hour,
(the clock is set to “military time”. Touch OK
when finished.
3. Type in a number from 0 to 59 for the
minutes. Touch OK when finished.
4. Type in a number from 1 to 31 for the day.
Touch OK when finished.
5. Type in a number from 1 to 12 for the month.
Touch OK when finished.
6. Type in a number from 0 to 99 for the year,
(the clock is set to a range of 2000 – 2099).
Touch OK when finished.
7. The Date and Time will now be set to the
entered values.
About Screen
Select the About Screen by pressing the “About”
icon. It will display the serial number of your unit
along with the software and firmware versions that
are loaded. In addition, the About screen lists all
options currently enabled on the unit and provides
contact information for Logicube Technical Support.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
To return to the main menu, simply press the
“Back” icon at any time.
Select the Drive Info screen by pressing the
“Drives” icon. The unit will then power up all of the
drives that are attached. After 30 to 45 seconds,
the unit will show a list of all the drives it has
detected. If a drive is pressed on the Touch Screen,
the unit will access the drive and report back the
drive’s model number, capacity, geometry and other
To see the drive’s partition information, press the
“See More” icon to display all of the partitions
located on that drive.
To return to the list of drives, you may press the
“Back” icon at any time. Pressing the Back icon
again will go back to the Main Menu Screen.
A Note About the Back Icon
.The Back icon can be found in the lower left hand
corner on most of the Touch Screens. Touching
this icon will go back to the previous Settings
screen or the Main Menu Screen.
The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ provides several
different modes of operation for cloning virtually any
hard drive quickly and effectively. Here we will dis-
cuss the most frequently used cloning modes, and
provide step-by-step instructions for each.
Clever Clone™ and Mirror Clone™ Mode come
standard with the Omniclone Xi™. Selective
Clone™, Master Manager™, NTFS Clever Clone™
and Omnidiagnostics™ are options that can be
purchased for the unit.
We will also cover each of the other optional
preference settings found under the Settings menu,
and explain what they do and when to use them.
NOTE: At the end of the chapter will be a special
discussion on dealing with SID (Security
Identification) issues under the Windows NT,
Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
NOTE: Each time the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ is
rebooted the cloning mode and preference settings
are saved from the last cloning session.
Clever Clone™ Mode
This is the default mode. It clones ALL partitions on
the Master drive to the Target drives, automatically
deciding the fastest method possible for each parti-
tion found. It scales all known partitions (At this
writing – FAT16/32, and NTFS2) to fill the Target in
its entirety and makes all the necessary adjust-
ments to ensure valid and bootable Target drives.
NOTE: Any unrecognizable partition is
automatically cloned with Mirror Clone mode. This
includes non-Windows partitions like Linux, Unix,
BSD and other partition types.
Clever Clone™ Step-by-Step
1. From anywhere in the menu system click the
“Set” button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Press the Cloning Mode icon that appears in
the upper left-hand corner. A list of the
available cloning modes appears.
3. Press the “Clever” icon, the Clever Clone™
settings screen will appear.
4. Adjust the “Verify”, “CHS” and “SPEED”
settings as needed. (These settings are
discussed later in this chapter).
5. You may now double-click the “Start/Stop”
button to start cloning.
NOTE: When Clever Clone™ scales down an
NTFS partition, it can only scale it to 55% of the
original size.
Selective Partitions™ Mode (Optional)
This is the most elaborate and most flexible mode.
It allows the highest level of control over the cloning
Selective mode allows you to select one or multiple
partitions to clone. It also allows you to choose a
2 NTFS ClevercopyŒ is an option that can be purchased for the Omniclone XiŒ.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
unique copy method3 to use for each. The available
methods are:
Clever Clone™ – The default mode that lets the
Omniclone Xi™ determine the best (usually fastest)
way to clone. It is denoted by the light bulb icon. It
works with all FAT16/FAT32 and NTFS type
NOTE: NTFS Clever Copy™ is an optional feature
and will only be available if purchased and installed
on your unit.
Defragment – Forces the defragmentation of all
partition data. This mode uses an advanced
defragmentation algorithm to create a Target
partition with no gaps and with contiguous files. It
works with FAT16/FAT32. Defragmentation is a
rather slow process and should be used only when
a single copy is required of a given Master drive. In
cases where multiple copies are desired, it is much
better to use a defragmentation program on the PC
for the Master and then move the Master drive onto
the Omniclone Xi™.
NOTE: Clever Copy™ mode will resort to the
defragmentation method if the given partition is
FAT16 and a cluster size change is required to
create a valid Target partition.
Partition Mirror – Simply streams over the full
contents of the selected partition without allowing
any partition scaling (Do not confuse this mode with
the Mirror copy mode which mirrors the entire
Master drive). This method is available for any
partition type. This is the only method available to
unrecognized partitions.
Selective Partitions™ Step-by-Step
1. From anywhere in the menu system click the
“Set” button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Press the Cloning Mode icon that appears in
the upper left-hand corner. A list of the
available cloning modes appears.
3. Press the “Selective” icon, the unit will
immediately power the Master drive and
display the partition table.
3Note that not all modes are available for all partition types.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
4. On the right hand side you will see a
designator for the partition type. Some
examples are:
16 - FAT16 partition
32 - FAT32 partition
NT - NTFS partition
Linux – Linux partition
?? - unknown partition
5. Touch the scroll icons to place the cursor by
a given partition, and then touch the space to
the left of the Volume Label multiple times to
cycle among the 4 options. See Figure 7
6. Scroll to other partitions and repeat Step 5.
Note that it is OK to assign unique cloning
modes to each selected partition.
7. When finished, press the “Set” button. The
Selective Clone™ settings screen will
8. Adjust the “Verify”, “CHS” and “SPEED”
settings as needed. (These settings are
discussed later in this chapter).
9. You may now double-click the “Start/Stop”
button to start cloning.
NOTE: When multiple copies are required, all
you need to do is change the TARGET drives,
and hit “Start/Stop” twice. Your last selections
are used. If the unit senses that the MASTER
drive was changed (by reading the serial
number of the MASTER), it will again return you
to the selection screen, where you specify the
method of copy for each partition.
NOTE: If you wish to change the last used
settings (and the MASTER drive did not
change), follow the “Selective Clone Step-by-
Step” instructions above.
Figure 3: Selective Copy Modes
Use the CleverCopy
algorithm for this partition
Defragment this partition
on-the-fly (FAT16/32 only)
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Simple partition mirror (no
Do not copy this partition
Mirror Clone™ Mode
This mode simply makes a bit-by-bit mirror copy of
the Master drive. It does not adjust any values. This
mode is only recommended when all else fails and
even then only between similar geometry drives. It
is also recommended for non-Windows partitions
like UNIX, LINUX and other such systems.
NOTE: Drives in a RAID array have dynamic or
striped partitions and also need to be Mirror Cloned.
When cloning a multiple drive RAID array, each
drive in the array needs to be Mirror cloned to an
identical Target drive.
You can dial the percentage of Master disk you
wish to mirror. For example, setting to 50% will
mirror the first 50% of the Master drive’s size.
Mirror Clone™ Step-by-Step
1. From anywhere in the menu system click the
“Set” button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Press the Cloning Mode icon that appears in the
upper left-hand corner. A list of the available
cloning modes appears.
3. Press the “Mirror” icon.
4. A screen appears asking you what percentage
of the Master drive to clone. Touch the numeric
keypad to adjust this value from 0 – 100%. If a
value of 99% or less is chosen for the FRONT of
the drive, the unit will also ask for a percentage
from the REAR of the drive. This value can be
set to the total size of the remaining space.
For example, if you were to enter 20 for the front
and 30 for the back, Mirror Clone would copy the
first 20% of the Master drive, skip over the next
50% and clone the remaining 30%.
5. You may now double-click the “Start/Stop”
button to start cloning.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Master Manager™ Mode (Optional)
This is a special mode that assists in the creation of
Master drives. It lets the user choose exactly one
partition from the drive in the Master position
(referred to henceforth as the Source drive) and
clone it to the drive in the Target 1 position (referred
to henceforth as the Destination drive).
The Master Manager is a useful tool to aid in the
creation of a multi-partition Master drive. Many MIS
technicians like to store multiple partitions (e.g. one
for accounting, one for marketing, etc.) on a single
Master drive. When a drive crash occurs or a new
PC is to be configured, all the technician needs to
do is select that partition and clone it. The tool is
also useful to create backups of important
The Omniclone Xi™ can hold up to 24 partitions on
one Master drive. Drives over 250GB in size have
been tested with Master Manager successfully.
Master Manager prompts the user to select exactly
one partition on the Source drive. It then prompts
the user to either select an existing partition on the
Destination drive to overwrite, or to add a new
partition in the remaining unallocated space.
WARNING: Please use this mode with care as the
Destination Drive (your multi-partition master
drive) is altered in the process.
Master Manager™ Step-by-Step
NOTE: To create a Master drive using Master
Manager, you must start with an unformatted
drive. (Use the Wipeclean™ Mode, FDISK or a
third party tool to wipe out the intended drive’s
partition table.)
1. From anywhere in the menu system click the
Set button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Press the Cloning Mode icon that appears in
the upper left-hand corner. A list of the
available cloning modes appears.
3. Press the “MMgr” icon, the Master
Manager™ settings screen will appear.
4. Adjust the “Verify” and “SPEED” settings as
needed. (These settings are discussed later
in this chapter).
5. You may now double-click the “Start/Stop”
button to start cloning. You will be warned
that continuing will modify your Destination
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
drive. If you are ready to do this, choose
“Yes” to continue.
6. NOTE: When Clever Clone™ scales down
an NTFS partition, it can only scale it to 55%
of the original size.
7. Both drives will now power up. After a few
seconds the unit will display a list of all
Source partitions.
8. Touch the scroll icons to place the cursor by
one single partition, and then touch the space
to the left of the Volume Label multiple times
to cycle among the 4 options. Master
Manager uses the same cloning icons as
Selective Clone Mode.
NOTE: Please refer to Figure 7 above for
descriptions on the different cloning options.
9. Press the Start/Stop button. After a few
seconds, the Destination partitions (if any)
are displayed.
10. Touch the Scroll icons to place the cursor by
a Destination partition you want to overwrite,
or scroll down to the “Add Partition” item.
Touch the space to the left of the Volume
Label to choose the desired partition or to
add a new partition.
11. Hit the “Start/Stop” button to begin cloning.
DELL Optiplex™ Computers and Master Manager™
DELL Optiplex™ computers have a unique partition
table that consists of a hidden “DELL Utility” partition
in addition to the boot partition. These partitions can
be cloned with Master Manager Mode, but only in a
specific way:
1. When building a DELL Optiplex-compatible
Master drive using Master Manager, the first
partition cloned to the Destination drive should
be a single Dell Utility partition.
2. Every partition after that can be a normal,
bootable partition. They can even come from
different DELL Optiplex™ PC’s as the Dell Utility
partition is the same from drive to drive.
3. Once the Master drive is built, you can then use
Selective Partitions to clone it to other DELL
Optiplex™ computers by selecting the Dell Utility
partition along with the desired boot partition.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Optional Preference Settings
In addition the different cloning modes, there are
preference settings that can be used to adjust the
behavior of the cloning operation. Each of these
preference settings is accessible through the
Settings menu, which can viewed at any time from
anywhere in the menu system by pressing the Set
NOTE: Not all preference settings are available in
every cloning mode.
The Verify preference allows you to choose whether
the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ verifies the data
copied to the Target drive. Verify also scans the
Target drives for bad or weak sectors. With Verify
activated, data written to the Target is read back
sector by sector and compared against the original
data on the Master. If a bad sector of data is
detected, the cloning process is aborted.
Verify Settings
No Verify (Default) - No data verification is
1% Verify - Only the first 1% of the data sectors
are verified. This is faster but less thorough than
using the All setting.
100% Verify - Every data sector on the Target
drive to which data has been written is checked.
NOTE: Logicube strongly recommends against
using a hard drive that has been shown to have bad
sectors as new defects are likely to develop.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
The speed setting provides the option to set the
speed at which an operation will be performed at.
UDMA-5 - The software performs a test procedure
to determine the fastest setting that the drives will
tolerate while streaming data from one to the other.
When set to UDMA-5, all lower speed grades will
be tested (UDMA 0-4, PIO 0-4).
UDMA-4 - Force the unit to use at most this speed.
Set the unit to this mode in some rare situations
where one or more drives do not support the higher
speeds, and “misbehave” during automatic speed
UDMA-3 - Same as UDMA-4.
UDMA-2 - Same as UDMA-4.
UDMA-1 - Same as UDMA-4.
UDMA-0 - Same as UDMA-4.
PIO-Auto (PIO-4) – Force the unit to use this as the
highest speed (PIO-4). Set the unit to this mode in
some rare situations where one or more drives do
not support higher speeds, and “misbehave” during
speed benchmarking.
PIO-Medium – This is a fixed value that almost all
drives will tolerate. It will result in copying speeds
from about 200 to over 500 MB per minute
depending upon the characteristics of the drives.
PIO-Slow – This is a speed value that all drives will
be able to tolerate. It supports copying speeds from
100 to over 300 MB per minute depending on the
characteristics of the drives.
NOTE: Use the MEDIUM or SLOW modes if you
encounter drive “time-outs” or if you are cloning
older drives. Many older 2.5” notebook drives
require this setting.
PIO-CPU – This is an extremely slow speed value
that all drives will be able to tolerate. It supports
copying speeds from 15 to 20 MB per minute.
NOTE: CPU speed is designed for cloning DiskOn
Modules, Compact Flash™ drives and other solid –
state storage devices. It is only available in 100%
Clone Mode.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
This Mode sets the geometry (Cylinder, Head and
Sector) translation used on the Target drive. CHS
information is stored in the partition table of the
hard drive and is used by the BIOS to determine
from which partition to boot.
The correct setting will depend upon the capacity of
the Target drive and on the BIOS of the PC in which
it will be used. Check with the hard drive and PC
manufacturer to determine which CHS mode is best
as different BIOS systems use different translation
methods for large (over 528 MB) capacity drives.
CHS Translation Modes
Following are the CHS translation modes supported
by the Omniclone Xi™:
LBA (Default) – This CHS Mode will work for most
hard drive and PC combinations and should be
used unless otherwise indicated.
Large – Also known as Extended CHS (ECHS)
mode. It is used on all Compaq and Samsung
computers, some IBM PC’s, IBM Thinkpad laptops,
some newer Dell laptops, and possibly other
computers. It should also be used whenever a
Phoenix BIOS version 4.0 or earlier is encountered.
LBA 8.5 and Large 8.5 – These settings force all
partitions to remain below the 8 GB mark. This is
useful with Legacy motherboards that cannot
support drives larger that 8.5 GB.
LBA-1, LBA-2, Large-1 and Large-2 – These
settings instruct the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ to
“shave off” one or two cylinders from the total drive
size when constructing the Target partition tables.
NOTE: It is important to use -1 or -2 settings for all
Windows 2000 and Windows XP installations.
These operating systems use the unallocated
space to store certain tables required for Active
Directory and sometimes for Dynamic Partitioning.
NOTE: Most of the time, blocking out one cylinder
is enough but two may need to be blocked out to
achieve good results.
Security Identification Number (SID) Issues
The Windows NT, Windows 2000 (previously
known as NT 5.0) and Windows XP operating
systems attach a SID (Security Identification)
number to all files and directories on the hard drive
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
for security and authentication purposes. The same
SID numbers are found in the system registry in
various locations.
When such drives are cloned, the SID numbers get
copied without change. If the Target drive
participates in the same network as the Master,
there will be a security breach, which will cause
undesirable network behavior.
To avoid this issue with Windows NT and Windows
2000, we recommend a freeware SID changer
called NewSID. The latest version can be down-
way associated with SysInternals and cannot offer
any technical support for NewSID. Other
commercial SID changers can also be found at
major software outlets.
For Windows XP, you must use Microsoft’s Sysprep
utility, which is available as a free download from
No matter which solution you choose, install the
SID utility on the Master drive prior to cloning. That
way, every cloned Target will have immediate
access to it. NewSID can even be configured to run
when the Target drive is first booted.
General Preferences
Many of the settings that control overall functionality
of the Omniclone Xi™ are located in the General
Preferences screen. This screen can be accessed
by touching the General Preferences icon located at
the lower left-hand corner of any other Settings
screen. General Preferences includes such
functions as On Error, Set Option, Last Drive and
other functions to be added later.
On Error (Optional)
The On Error setting is a feature that is part of the
Omnidiagnostics™ option. It determines the
behavior of the unit in the case where bad spots are
detected on the Master drive. This setting has four
options, which include:
Abort - The default setting is Abort. This mode
will cause the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ to halt
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
if an error such as a bad drive sector is
Skip - Skip will allow the Logicube Omniclone
Xi™ to continue by stepping over the bad
Retry - Retry option will instruct the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™ to make several attempts to
read data from the damaged area of the drive.
Recover - Recover will attempt to recover as
many bytes of data as possible from each bad
sector that is encountered
NOTE: data in any skipped sectors will NOT be
copied to the Target drive.
NOTE: The Omnidiagnostics™ option must be
installed before the On Error settings can be
On Error Step-by-Step
1. From anywhere in the menu system, press the
Set button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Touch the “General Preferences” icon located
in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
3. Touch the On Error icon repeatedly to toggle
between the different On Error setting options:
Skip, Abort, Retry and Recover.
4. After the On Error setting is chosen, exit the
General Preferences screen by touching the
Back icon. This will take you back to the
previous Settings screen.
NOTE: The Omniclone Xi™ checks the Master
drive for bad or weak sectors during any cloning
operation. It will not check the Target drives
unless the Verify setting is set to 1% or 100%.
Set Option
All optional software packages are already inside
your Logicube Omniclone Xi™ (and are
automatically updated when you install a newer
software version). To use an option like NTFS
Clevercopy, Selective Clone, Master Manager or
Omnidiagnostics™, it first needs to be enabled.
To enable OmniDiagnostics™ on your Omniclone
Xi ™, contact Logicube to purchase a license key
that is unique to your unit. Once you have obtained
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
the license key, follow this procedure to enter it into
your Logicube Omniclone Xi ™.
Set Option Step-by-Step
1. From anywhere in the menu system, press the
Set button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Touch the “General Preferences” icon located
in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
3. Touch the Set Option icon, a numeric keypad
will come up. Type in the 7-digit code that you
received from Logicube. Press OK when
4. If the code is typed in correctly, a message
reading “Option Enabled” will appear. The unit
will then reboot itself.
5. If the code is entered incorrectly, the display will
go back to the General Preferences screen.
6. If you cannot enter the code, exit the General
Preferences screen by touching the Back icon.
This will take you back to the previous Settings
Last Drive
This setting allows the user to determine the
maximum number of Target drives that can be
cloned on the Omniclone Xi™ unit at one time. For
example, an OCXi that normally clones 10 Target
drives can be set to clone 5 drives. The first 5
Target positions would be active while the
remaining Target positions would be turned off.
This reduces the cloning time slightly because the
unit knows not to access drive positions that are not
Last Drive Step-by-Step
1. From anywhere in the menu system, press the
Set button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Touch the “General Preferences” icon located
in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
3. Touch the Last Drives icon, a numeric keypad
will come up. Type in the maximum number of
drives that you wish to clone. The number can
range from 1 to 10. Press OK when finished.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
4. Exit the General Preferences screen by touching
the Back icon. This will take you back to the
previous Settings screen.
This setting is covered in Chapter 6: The
Database/Barcode Option.
This setting is used to set a password that
restricts access to the Omniclone Xi™ unit. If a
password is set, then every time that the unit is
rebooted a password prompt will come up. As
long as the user enters the correct password the
unit will boot to the Main Splash Screen.
Setting a Password Step-by-Step
1. From anywhere in the menu system, press the
Set button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Touch the “General Preferences” icon located
in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
3. Touch the Password icon. If a password is not
already set then an alphanumeric keypad will
come up.
4. Enter a password that is nine characters or less.
Do not use spaces or unusual characters.
5. Touch the OK key when done, the unit will
reboot itself to the Password Entry Prompt.
6. Type in the password to access the Main Splash
Removing a Password
A password can only be removed by reloading the
software on the Omniclone Xi™ unit. Please refer
to Chapter 10: Software Loading Instructions for
more details.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
5. OmniDiagnostics™
OmniDiagnostics™ is a powerful set of features
that aid in the recovery and repair of drives with bad
or weak data sectors, and in the secure erasure of
sensitive data.
NOTE: OmniDiagnostics™ is an option that can be
purchased for your Omniclone Xi™ unit. Please
contact Logicube if you wish to purchase any of the
option packages.
OmniDiagnostics™ Features
Scan Target Mode
Scan Target mode scans the Target drives for weak
and bad data sectors. It uses the Read-Verify
command of the ATA specification to detect bad or
weak spots on the Target drives. When a suspect
area of the drive is detected, a sector-by-sector
analysis is performed.
If a given sector is read incorrectly one or more
times out of 10 tries, it is considered to be weak. If it
is read incorrectly 10 times out of 10, it is
considered to be bad.
Any drive that shows weak sectors should be
returned to the manufacturer or retired due to the
higher risk of potential data loss.
When using Scan Target mode there are two levels
of scanning speed to choose from:
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Fast (Default) – This is the fastest.
Thorough – This is the most thorough.
The Thorough operation writes patterns to some
sectors, which can cause data corruption. Use this
setting only when data loss is not an issue.
Scan Target Mode Step-by-Step
1. From anywhere in the menu system, press the
Set button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Press the Cloning Mode icon that appears in the
upper left-hand corner. A list of the available
cloning modes appears.
3. Press the “Scan” icon, the Scan Target™
settings screen will appear.
4. Adjust the “SPEED” setting as needed.
5. You may now double-click the “Start/Stop”
button to start cloning. You will be warned that
continuing will modify your Destination drive. If
you are ready to do this, choose “Yes” to
6. When finished, the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ will
notify you and display a list of the scanned
drives along with bad or weak sectors found on
each drive.
7. After reviewing the summary, touch the Back
icon to return to the main menu.
Repair Target Mode
Repair Target mode scans Target drives using a
Logicube exclusive algorithm in an attempt to repair
all weak and bad sectors encountered. Please note
that this process can take a long time.
The Repair Target operation directly manipulates
the contents of the Target drive with no effort being
made to retain the original data. It does not prompt
the user when a bad sector is reallocated so any
data on a repaired sector is lost.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Repair Target Mode Step-by-Step
1. From anywhere in the menu system, press the
Set button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Press the Cloning Mode icon that appears in the
upper left-hand corner. A list of the available
cloning modes appears.
3. Press the “Repair” icon, the Repair Target™
settings screen will appear.
4. You may now double-click the “Start/Stop”
button to start cloning. You will be warned that
continuing will modify your Destination drive. If
you are ready to do this, choose “Yes” to
5. When finished, the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ will
notify you and display a list of the scanned
drives along with bad, weak and repaired
sectors found on each drive.
6. After reviewing the summary, touch the Back
icon to return to the main menu.
WipeClean™ Target Mode
The WipeClean™ Target mode erases all data on
the Target drives. This may be required when
discarding drives that contain sensitive information
to which you do not want others to have access,
e.g. financial information, trade secrets, etc.
WipeClean™ writes a pattern over the whole Target
drive 2 X n+1 times, where n is the selected
number of iterations of all 0’s and all 1’s. The last
pass then writes the chosen pattern to every byte of
the drive.
For example, if you set the Value to “0xff” and the
number of iterations (the value of n in the above
formula) to 1, WipeClean™ will perform a total of
three passes, first writing all 0’s then again writing
all 1’s. Then one more pass will be made that
leaves a repeating “FF” pattern.
By default, WipeClean™ is set to erase data
according to Department of Defense (DoD)
specification M-5220. This setting is 3 passes and
a final pattern of “0xF6”.
Set the number of passes to 0 for a single pass of
the chosen pattern. This method is acceptable for
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
quickly wiping a drive where removal of sensitive
information is not an issue.
WipeClean™ Settings
The following settings are used in configuring
WipeClean™ Target mode:
Passes – Determines how many passes of all 0’s
and all 1’s are written to the drive. The default is 1
for compliance with DoD M-5220.
Value – Select the value to be written on the last
pass. The options are 0xf6, 0x00, 0xff, and Random
(DoD default). (The Random setting will fill the
Target drive with a pseudo random pattern.)
Speed – The speed can be manually set from
NOTE: The unit will run at the fastest possible
speed as long as a drive is attached to the Master
position. This should not be an actual Master drive
as a pattern will be written to part of the drive and it
will be rendered unbootable.
If no drive is attached to the Master position the unit
will still wipe the Target drives, but it will run at
speeds ranging from 60 – 100 MB/min.
Wipeclean™ Target Step-by-Step
1. From anywhere in the menu system, press the
Set button to enter the Settings menu.
2. Press the Cloning Mode icon that appears in the
upper left-hand corner. A list of the available
cloning modes appears.
3. Press the “WipeOut” icon, the Wipeclean
Target™ settings screen will appear.
4. Touch the “Passes” icon to set the number of
passes. Use the numeric keypad to enter the
number of passes. Press OK when finished.
5. Touch the “Value” icon to scroll through the
different patterns.
6. Touch the “Speed” icon to choose the best
speed, if necessary.
NOTE: The unit will automatically adjust itself to
the best speed for the attached drives.
7. Press the Start/Stop button twice.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
8. A message will appear stating that portions of
your Target drive will be overwritten. If you are
prepared to continue, choose “<Yes>”. If you
wish to abort the operation, choose “<No>”.
9. If “<Yes>” is chosen, a second message will
appear stating that you are about to erase the
Target. If you wish to continue, choose “<Yes>”.
If you want to abort the operation, choose
10. If “<Yes>” is chosen, the WipeClean™ Target
operation will begin and a status screen will
11. The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ will notify you
when erasing is complete. Press the Back icon
to return to the main menu.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
6. The Database/Barcode Option
The Logicube Database/Barcode Option gives your
Omniclone Xi™ the ability to record vital cloning
information and store it on the Compact Flash (CF)
drive. This information is stored in a format that is
easily read by most database programs (i.e.
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, dBase, etc.).
The information is gathered from the cloning
session, drive firmware and the optional Barcode
NOTE: The Database/Barcode option can be
purchased for your Omniclone Xi™ unit. Please
contact Logicube if you wish to purchase any of the
option packages.
System Contents
When the Logicube Database/Barcode option is
purchased, it comes with the following items:
A Barcode Scanning Wand, (this plugs into the
PS/2 connector in front of the Omniclone-Xi™).
A User’s Manual for the Barcode Scanner.
A User’s Manual for the DataBase™ option.
A sheet that contains the code to unlock the
Logicube DataBase™ option.
NOTE: Step-by-step instructions for unlocking
the option are discussed under “Set Option” on
page 25.
Compact Flash (CF) Files
The Logicube Database/Barcode option adds two
files to the Compact Flash (CF) drive. The two files
are Config.txt and Database.csv.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Breakdown of Config.txt
Information collected by the Database option is
governed by a “Config List”. This list contains all
of the items that the Database will record. It also
indicates whether or not the Barcode Scanner is
used. Config lists can be created with the
Omniclone-Xi™, (or from a text editor like
Notepad.exe). The lists are stored together in a file
called Config.txt. This file is stored on the CF
A Config List with all of the options chosen looks
like the list below:
[Title] - This is a user-entered name for the Config
List. The name should be 18 characters or less.
IncludeHeaders – If this line is included, it tells the
database to put headers as the first line of data in
the Database.csv file.
UnitSN – This is the serial number of the
Omniclone-Xi™ unit.
UnitFirmware – This is the Omniclone-Xi’s current
Scan1-UserEnteredName1 – This is the first line of
information collected by the Barcode Scanner (i.e.
Operator’s Badge Number). The entered name
needs to be 18 characters or less.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Scan2- UserEnteredName2 – This is the second
line of data collected by the Barcode Scanner (i.e.
Batch Number). The entered name needs to be 18
characters or less.
Scan3- UserEnteredName3 – This is the third line
of information collected by the Barcode Scanner
(i.e. Location Number). The entered name needs to
be 18 characters or less.
Time – This records the time that the cloning
session completed. The time comes from the
Omniclone-Xi’s own internal clock.
Date – This records the date from the unit’s internal
NOTE: Please refer to “Time/Date Settings” in
Chapter 3: Cloning Modes for more information
on how to set the internal clock.
MasterModel – This line records the Model
Number of the Master drive.
MasterSerial – This line records the Serial Number
of the Master Drive.
TargetModels – This line records the Model
Number of each Target drive connected to the
TargetSerials - This line records the Serial Number
of each Target drive connected to the Omniclone-
Mode – This line records the Cloning Mode used
(i.e. Clever, Mirror, etc.)
Outcome – This records whether or not the cloning
session was completed successfully. It will either
say PASS or FAIL.
The Logicube DataBase™ option writes all of the
collected information to a file named Database.csv.
The “csv” extension stands for “comma separated
values” and is a common database format. It can
be read by most database programs (i.e. Microsoft
Excel, Microsoft Access, dBase, etc.). This file is
stored on the Compact Flash (CF) drive.
A typical .CSV file opened in a text editor looks
something like this:
TEST, Date, MasterModel, TargetModels-1, TargetModels-2, TargetModels-3,
TargetModels-4, TargetModels-5, TargetModels-6, TargetModels-7,
TargetModels-8, TargetModels-9, TargetModels-10, Mode, Outcome, 5/18/05,
WDC WD400BB-22HEA1, ST380023AS, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
We can see from this example that a Master drive
was cloned to a single Target drive on May 18,
2005. Mirror Clone mode was used and the cloning
session completed successfully.
NOTE: The database.csv file will continue to
receive data from cloning sessions until it is
renamed or deleted, at which point a new
database.csv file will be created. If you need to
change Config Lists, make sure that you rename or
remove the old database.csv file from the CF drive.
Database Step–by-Step
NOTE: This procedure goes from attaching the
Barcode Scanner to choosing a Config List to
running the cloning session and collecting the
database.csv file. It is a basic rundown of the
Database process. Details such as the menu
options and the Barcode Scanner will be discussed
later in the chapter.
1. Attach the Barcode Scanner to the PS/2 Port
on the front of the Omniclone-Xi unit.
2. Insert the Compact Flash (CF) Drive in the
CF Slot and power up the unit.
3. From the Main Screen, press the Set button.
4. Touch the General Preferences icon in the
Lower left-hand corner of the screen.
5. Touch the Database icon. This will open the
Database Settings Menu.
NOTE: If the Database/Barcode option is not
enabled, a warning message will appear and the
Database Menu will not open.
6. Touch the Select Config icon. It will bring up
all of the Config Lists that are stored in the
Config.txt file that is on the CF Drive.
7. Touch the desired Config List. A check mark
will appear next to it. Touch OK.
NOTE: Once a Config List is chosen, the name of
the list will appear at the top of the Database Menu.
8. Touch the Database icon to set it to ON, (the
default is OFF).
9. Touch the Back icon twice to go back to the
Cloning Settings Menu. Change the settings
as desired.
10. Press START/STOP to begin cloning.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
11. When the cloning Session is finished, the unit
will write data to the database.csv file. If one
or more “Scan” lines are in the Config List,
then the User will be prompted to use the
Barcode Scanner.
Fig 3. Barcode Scan Prompt
12. When prompted, aim the Barcode Scanner at
the Barcode to be read. Hold the scanner at
an angle about 6 – 8 inches from the
barcode. Hold down the trigger until the
Scanner beeps.
13. After the data is collected, the unit will stop
with a “clone successful” message.
14. At this point the database.csv file can be
copied from the CF drive and imported into
the database program of your choice. Use
USB Mode to gain access to your CF drive.
Database Settings Menu
The Logicube DataBase™ Menu is made up of six
different settings:
Select Config – This setting allows the user to
choose a Config List from the Config.txt file. A
checkmark appears next to the selected list.
On the Config.txt file itself, the active list is denoted
by an asterisk ( * ) located next to the list title.
Database Off/On – This setting tells the
Omniclone-Xi to run the Database function during
the next cloning session. It will continue to do so
until the setting is turned off.
Printer Menu – This setting prints the collected
data through a printer that is connected to the
parallel port of the Omniclone-Xi™. When opened,
this setting will prompt the user to enter the number
of entries to be printed. For example, if 20 clones
have been performed with the database turned on,
the user can select any number of entries up to 20.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
NOTE: Any standard printer can be used as long
as it is able to print from plain ASCII codes.
Manage Database – This allows the user to delete
one or more Config Lists from the Config.txt file.
Create Config – This setting allows the user to
create a new Config List. Once the list is finished, it
is saved to the Config.txt file.
Creating a New Config List, Step-by-Step
1. From the Main Screen, press the Set button
to go to the Settings Menu, then touch the
General Preferences icon, followed by the
Database icon. Once in the Database Menu,
touch the Create Config. icon.
2. Touch the checkbox next to each line of data
you want to add to the Config List. When the
line is selected, a checkmark will appear.
3. When the “Scan1”, “Scan2” or “Scan3” lines
are chosen, an alphanumeric keypad will
come up on the touch screen. Enter a label
for the Scan line and touch OK when
finished. This label is later used in the Scan
prompt that appears at the end of the cloning
NOTE: Pressing the ALT button on the
alphanumeric keypad will bring up lower-case
letters. Pressing ALT again will bring up numbers
as well as special characters ($, %, &, etc.).
Pressing ALT again goes back to capital letters.
4. Once the desired lines have been chosen,
touch OK to go to another alphanumeric
keypad. Enter a title for the Config List.
NOTE: Config List names as well as Scan Line
labels can be 18 characters or less (including
5. Once a name has been entered, touch OK to
go back to the Database Settings screen.
NOTE: Config Lists can also be created or
modified with a Text Editor in a PC (i.e.
Notepad.exe for Windows). Make sure that the
correct formatting is followed if this method is
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Barcode Scanner
The Barcode Scanner is used to enter data that is
not accessible from inside the Omniclone-Xi™ unit.
The data could include things such as an Operator
Badge number or other data that is in barcode form.
As of this writing, the Barcode scanner wand that
ships with the Database/Barcode option is a CCD-
LR (Long Range) Scanner made by Wasp
Technologies (Model # WLR-7100).
Barcode Scanner Settings
The Barcode Scanner is designed to plug into the
Omniclone-Xi™ and work without any special
settings. However, there are a few basic settings
available to customize the Barcode Scanner.
To use the settings below, just scan them with the
Barcode Scanner while it is plugged into the
Omniclone-Xi™ unit and powered up. The scanner
will emit a double-beep when it reads the barcode.
NOTE: The DataBase™ function does not need to
be running for the Barcode scanner to scan Factory
Factory Default – Scan this barcode to set your
Barcode scanner back to the factory default
Autosense Stand Mode – Scan this barcode to
enable the “Hands-Free Autosense” feature of your
Barcode Scanner. This allows the user to use the
scanner without pressing the trigger or holding the
wand. Scan the Factory Defaults barcode above to
disable the feature.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
NOTE: A hands-free stand is available from Wasp
Beep Settings – These settings change the volume
level of the “beep” that the scanner emits when it
successfully reads a barcode.
Enable Bar Code Symbiologies – This setting
allows your scanner to read all types of barcodes
(i.e. UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, etc.). This setting
may be necessary if you are utilizing an unusual
barcode type.
NOTE: Advanced barcode settings are available in
the User’s Manual that is included with your
Barcode Scanner. It is not advised to use these
settings as they may interfere with the functionality
of the Barcode Scanner on the Omniclone-Xi™.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
7. Using the USB Port
The integral USB port on your Logicube Omniclone
Xi™ provides connectivity of your CF drive or
Master hard drive (the unit’s Master drive) to any
USB-enabled PC. Both USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 are
USB connectivity is available for the Master drive
only. It allows the drive to connect to Windows as
an external USB drive. If the Master partition is
readable by Windows it will receive a drive letter
and then can be accessed through Windows like
any other drive.
Minimum requirements
A Logicube Omniclone Xi™ unit with integral
USB port.
A 586 or better PC compatible computer with a
floppy or CD-ROM drive.
An available USB port on the PC. USB 1.1 and
USB 2.0 are automatically supported.
Microsoft Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP
operating system (for drive access under
A floppy disk or CD-ROM with Windows
98/98SE USB drivers installed. No drivers need
be installed for ME/2000/XP.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
How to use under Windows (for Master Drive Management)
1. Make sure a Master drive is properly attached to
your Logicube Omniclone Xi™.
2. Make sure your PC is running Win98 or above.
3. Connect the USB cable (provided) to a PC USB
slot on one end. Do not attach the other end to
the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ yet.
4. Set the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ to USB mode:
5. From anywhere in the menu system, press the
Set button to enter the Settings menu.
6. Press the Cloning Mode icon that appears in the
upper left-hand corner. A list of the available
cloning modes appears.
7. Press the “USB Mode” icon, The Logicube
Omniclone Xi™ will power up the Master drive.
A prompt will appear saying that it is safe to
attach the USB Cable.
8. Attach the USB cable to the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™. You should now see some
activity on your PC screen, which depends on
the operating system.
9. If running ME/2000/XP your drive will
automatically be mounted and drive letters
assigned to all recognizable partitions.
10. If running 98/98SE you will be prompted to
install drivers. At the “have disk…” prompt
please point the PC to the drivers folder of the
CD-ROM (provided), and the installation should
complete smoothly.
11. The Master Drive is now visible on Windows as
an external drive. Any partitions that can be
accessed by your Operating System will be
assigned a Drive Letter.
Removing USB devices
Before physically disconnecting the USB cloning
adapter and/or shutting down power to the
Logicube Omniclone Xi™, the unit has to be
properly "unmounted" from Windows. To do that:
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
1. Locate the USB icon in the system tray (typically
at the bottom right of screen).
2. Click the icon once.
3. Wait for Windows to bring up a message that it is
safe to remove the device. (Different versions of
windows will behave slightly differently).
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
8. Compact Flash (CF) Card
The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ comes with a 64MB
Compact Flash (CF) Drive that is inserted in a CF
slot at the back of the unit. This little drive is used
mostly for loading software on the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™, but it has other functions such as
storage for the Database/Barcode Option.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that the CF Card
be left inside the Omniclone-Xi for optimal
NOTE: Please check our website periodically at
posted there.
To load new software from the CF Drive, please
refer to the procedure “Loading Software Using
the Compact Flash” which is found in Chapter 9:
Software loading Instructions.
Inserting and Removing the Compact Flash
1. At the back of the Logicube Omniclone Xi™
is a Compact Flash (CF) slot. Make sure that
it is clear.
2. Hold the CF Drive so that the Logicube label
faces up.
3. Slide the CF Drive into the CF slot. As it
slides into place, the eject button will slide
4. To remove the CF Drive, simply press in the
eject button. The drive will slide out.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Connecting the CF Drive to Windows via USB
This is necessary to load new software files to the
CF Drive. The CF drive is connected through
Windows via the Software Setup Screen.
Connecting Through the Software Setup Menu
USB connectivity is available for the CF drive
through the Software Setup Screen. This screen
resides in the unit’s Firmware and is not affected by
the software.
1. Make sure your PC is running in Windows 98 or
2. Connect the USB cable (provided) to a PC USB
slot on one end. Do not attach the other end to
the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ yet.
3. Boot The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ while
holding down the Start/Stop button. The unit
will boot to the Software Setup Menu.
4. Use the Select button to Scroll down to “Engage
CF to USB”. Press the Start/Stop button.
5. A prompt will appear saying that the unit is in
USB Mode.
6. Attach the USB cable to the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™. You should now see some
activity on your PC screen, which depends on
the operating system.
7. If running ME/2000/XP your drive will
automatically be mounted and a drive letter will
be assigned to it.
8. If running 98/98SE you will be prompted to
install drivers. At the “have disk…” prompt
please point the PC to the drivers floppy
(provided), and the installation should complete
9. The CF Drive is now visible on Windows as an
external drive. You can copy software update
files, or anything else to/from the drive.
Removing USB devices
Before physically disconnecting the USB cloning
adapter and/or shutting down power to the
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Logicube Omniclone Xi™, the unit has to be
properly "unmounted" from Windows. To do that:
1. Locate the USB icon in the system tray (typically
at the bottom right of screen).
2. Click the icon once.
3. Wait for Windows to bring up a message that it is
safe to remove the device. (Different versions of
windows will behave slightly differently).
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
9. User Replaceable Hardware
Many of the components that make up the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™ are designed to be removable by
the user. This includes drive cables, drive stations
and even the power supply itself. This is beneficial
in a production setting where a company cannot
afford to send in an entire 10-Target duplication unit
to repair one drive station. Instead, Logicube can
ship a new drive station module and the user can
install it in less than one minute.
NOTE: Users who operate the Omniclone Xi™ unit
in a large production setting are advised to keep
spare cables, drive stations and even an extra
power supply handy in case of emergency.
Drive Cables
The UDMA, power and SATA Cables that connect
Master and Target drives to the Omniclone Xi™ are
designed to withstand up to 500
insertions/extractions. This means that through
proper handling, the cables can be pulled off and
attached to 500 different drives before the heads
start to wear out. Improper handling of the cables
can cause this number to go down significantly.
Because the drive cables have a significant shelf
life, they are considered consumable items and are
not covered under the same warranty as the
Omniclone Xi™ unit. Please contact Logicube
Sales if you need to purchase replacement cables.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Proper Handling of Drive Cables
UDMA Cables – When removing the cable from a
drive, be sure to pull on the white tab that is
attached to the head. DO NOT pull on the cable
itself as this will diminish cable life.
Power cables – Remove the cable from the drive
by gripping the white plastic head firmly and pulling
straight out. Do NOT pull on the wires as this will
damage the cable.
SATA Cables – Remove the cable from the drive
by gripping the black plastic head firmly and pulling
straight out. DO NOT twist or pull by the cable as
this will shorten cable life.
Drive Stations
The “Drive Stations” of the Omniclone Xi™ refer to
the connection plates of each Master and Target
position. These plates are very rugged and able to
withstand thousands of cloning sessions. However,
damaged or incorrectly connected drives can
damage the Drive Station. When this occurs, the
station can be easily replaced by the user.
Replacement Drive Station Modules are available
from Logicube. Please contact Logicube Sales for
more information.
Removal and Installation of a Drive Station
1. Turn off the power to the unit and unplug the
power supply cord.
2. Remove the drive and any cables from the
non-functional Drive Station.
3. Loosen the two thumb-screws located on
either side of the Drive Station.
4. Pull straight up on the thumb-screws, the
Drive Station should come right out.
5. Installation of the Drive Station is the
opposite of removal.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Power Supply
The OCXi and OCX5i models have an internal
power supply that can also be replaced by the user.
When it is determined that the power supply needs
to be replaced, please follow the procedure below:
Replacement Power Supplies are available from
Logicube. Please contact Logicube Sales for more
NOTE: The Omniclone OCX2i uses a separate
power supply that is not physically connected to the
Removal and Installation of the Power Supply
1. Remove the AC Power Cord from the power
2. Remove the two screws located on either
side of the Power Supply.
3. Turn the unit over and remove the six screws
that hold the power supply to the bottom of
the unit.
4. Lift up on the power supply module to remove
it from the unit.
5. Disconnect the cable harness from the main
circuit board.
6. Installation of the Power Supply is the
opposite of removal.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
10. Software Loading Instructions
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ Software Updating Procedures
New and improved software will appear from time to
possible to update the operating software in the
field by a user.
Two common ways are available:
1. Using the Compact Flash card
2. Using a parallel port connection
NOTE: Logicube provides a floppy disk that
contains a backup copy of the Logicube Omniclone
Xi™ software. This software is already loaded on
your unit.
Loading Software Using the Compact Flash
The new software (a single file always called
ocx.h86) has to be placed on the root directory of
the Compact Flash (CF). If a CF reader/writer is
available on your computer, ocx.h86 simply needs
to be copied to the root directory, possibly
overwriting the older version that’s already there.
Another file called ocxcfldr.h86 also needs to be on
the root directory of the Compact Flash Card.
NOTE: If a reader is not present, the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™ itself, in conjunction with the USB
dongle can be configured to behave like a CF
reader/writer. Please refer to “Connecting
Through the Software Setup Menu” in Chapter 7:
Compact Flash (CF) Drive.
Once the new ocx.h86 file is present on the CF, it is
a simple matter to make it “re-flash” the unit:
1. Remove the Master Drive from the unit if it is
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
2. Boot The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ while
holding down the Start/Stop button. The unit
will boot to the Software Setup Menu.
3. Use the Select button to Scroll down to
“Engage CF to USB”. Press the Start/Stop
4. . The status lights should light up for 15 – 20
seconds, then start to blink.
5. After about 30-40 seconds the unit will re-
boot to the new software.
6. Check the version and date of this software
by pressing the “About” icon at the main
menu screen.
Loading Software Through the Parallel Port
This is a legacy method to load software, and
should only be used in situations where the CF
method cannot be used.
A host PC with an EPP 1.9 capable parallel port is
required to successfully load new software on to the
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ with the parallel port
The host PC must also contain a partition that can
be accessed when booted from a floppy diskette
(i.e. a FAT16 or a FAT 32 type partition). Please
verify that the host PC has a compatible port by
examining the port configuration in the PC BIOS.
Host PC preparation
If running Windows 9.x, reboot and press F8 and
then select "Command prompt only". The PC will
boot into DOS.
1. Create a temporary directory on the host PC.
2. Copy the following software update files to the
temporary directory: update.exe, ocx_load.h86,
ocx.h86. You can copy them from the supplied
Software Update diskette or from files
Once the above has been accomplished, perform
the following:
1. Attach the parallel cable between the host PC
and Logicube Omniclone Xi™.
2. Change to the new temporary directory and run
"update.exe" (or "update bidi" if Bi Directional
mode is used) and then follow the instructions
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Note: Windows 2000 and NT that have NTFS file
systems cannot be used since NTFS is not
accessible through DOS. The file systems that are
compatible include FAT16 and FAT32. One
possible workaround for this is to configure the boot
diskette to create a RAMDRIVE and then copy and
run the update files from that drive.
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ Software Update
Note: Make sure the update is running on the PC
and the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ is connected to
the host PC via the supplied parallel cable.
1. Remove the Master Drive from the unit if it is
2. Boot The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ while
holding down the Start/Stop button. The unit
will boot to the Software Setup Menu.
3. Use the Select button to Scroll down to “Load
SW to P.Port”. Press the Start/Stop button.
4. Follow any LCD on-screen prompts. The PC
should indicate that the software update is
loading. The update will run for one to three
minutes after which the Logicube Omniclone
Xi™ will restart.
5. Check the version and date of this software by
pressing the “About” icon at the main menu
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
11. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Q. By comparison my Logicube Omniclone Xi™ appears to be operating slower than other units.
the support page to view the latest software level and if necessary download the software for
your system.
Q. Drive information as displayed on the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ Drive Info screen does not
agree with the label fixed to the target HDD. Example: The number of cylinders displayed is
different than the label
A. Drive labels will only show Cylinders, Heads, and Sectors for a maximum of 8.5GB (example:
16383, 16, 63.) The actual drive parameters will be displayed both in drive information, and in
the printed session report. Most of the newer drives only have an LBA (Logical Block
Addressing) value printed on the label showing the drive's capacity in sectors
Q. Cloning data to or from a Western Digital HDD is not working properly.
A. Most Western Digital drives require that the jumpers be removed for a capture to work. The
exception to this statement is for the Western Digital “Xpert” series Hard Drives (an older
manufactured version), where the jumper is set to the master position.
Q. I’m trying to update my Logicube Omniclone Xi™ with the latest software but I cannot get my
PC to communicate with the unit.
A. The PC must be set up to communicate in the Bi-directional mode through the BIOS setup.
Refer to your PC user manual. Also, you could try to update the unit using the Compact
Flash card. Instructions on how to do that are available elsewhere in this manual.
Q: Do Target drives have to be formatted and partitioned prior to cloning?
A: No. Target drives do not need to be formatted, partitioned or otherwise modified prior to
cloning. The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ disregards everything on the Target drive, reformatting
and partitioning it during cloning.
Q: Are NT 4GB FAT16 partitions (also known as “NT FAT”) supported by the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™?
A: Yes, through Mirror Clone™ mode only.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Q: Can the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ clone partitions created with file systems such as UNIX,
A: Yes, but results are guaranteed only if they are cloned between identical Master and Target
drives. However, partitions of some versions of UNIX will self-repair upon the first boot.
Q: Can the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ defragment a partition?
A: Yes. Refer to Chapter 4: Cloning Modes and Settings for information on using Selective
Partitions to defragment a FAT partition while cloning.
Q: Can the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ clone between dissimilar drives?
A: Yes. For Master drives that contain FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS partitions, the Logicube
Omniclone Xi™ will take care of all the necessary adjustments to ensure that a Target drive of
any size will be valid and bootable. Many combinations of Master and Target drives sizes up to
300 GB were tested and found to be valid.
Unknown partition types, however, are cloned in mirror mode and typically require very similar if
not identical Master and Target drives to guarantee a successful clone.
Q: Can I clone to/from drives larger than 8.5 Gigabytes?
A: Yes. The Omniclone Xi™ was designed to support drives larger than 137 GB in capacity.
However, note that some PC's cannot "see" drives larger than 8.5 GB due to BIOS limitations.
Q: Can I clone from a larger drive to a smaller drive?
A: Yes, as long as the data content of each Master partition is able to fit into the scaled down size
of the corresponding Target partition. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed indicating
that the Solitaire Turbo™ is unable to fit the data onto the Target drive.
The error "Cannot fit data to Target" can also be caused by a badly fragmented Master drive. In
such cases, defragmenting the Master will generally resolve the issue.
Note that an NTFS partition can only be scaled down by approximately 55% due to the master file
table (MFT) that resides in the center of the partition.
Q: Can I clone to/from laptop drives?
A: Yes. Logicube sells 2.5" drive adapters, and can provide adapters to many of the special drive
connections on the market. Please call for availability.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Q: How does the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ handle Windows NT Security Identification (SID)
duplication issues?
A: The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ does duplicate the SID. Because of this, it is recommended that
a SID changer be installed on the Master drive so that the first time the newly cloned Target is
booted-up, all SID's will be replaced with fresh ones.
There are a number of SID changer utilities available. A freeware SID changer is available at
www.sysinternals.com for download. Note that Logicube assumes no responsibility for this or any
third party software, and can only provide limited support in its use.
Q: How does the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ handle bad sectors encountered on the Master and
Target drives during cloning?
A: On the Master drive, if OmniDiagnostic™ has been installed and its Recover feature has been
enabled, the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ will attempt to recover the data from any bad sectors
If OmniDiagnostic™ has not been installed or its Recover feature has not been enabled, the
Logicube Omniclone Xi™ will immediately skip over any bad sectors on the Master drive. Note
that several attempts will be made to correctly read the sector before skipping.
On the Target drive, with the Verify setting enabled, the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ will also skip
over any bad sectors. If the Verify setting is disabled, the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ will not detect
bad sectors on the Target and the cloning procedure will continue regardless.
Note that newer drives perform automatic bad sector reallocation on their own and will, therefore,
rarely show a bad sector.
Q: Can I clone drives with virus protection software installed?
A: Yes, but remember to decline the "repair" of the target drive should a virus protection program
complain about an altered master boot record, etc.
Q: How does the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ determine the size of partitions to create on the
Target drive?
A: In the default Cleve Clone mode, all known partition types (i.e. FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS) are
scaled proportionally to the ratio of Master/Target size. Note, however, that FAT16 partitions will
not exceed 2.1 GB when scaled up, nor be smaller than 32 MB when scaled down.
All unknown partitions (e.g. HPFS, UNIX, etc.) are mirrored, that is they maintain their size.
Q: What is the difference between 100% (Mirror) Clone™ and Clever Clone™?
A: 100% Clone™ simply copies the user-designated percentage of all sectors on a hard drive
starting from sector one. It does not look at drive structures and thus can copy any type of known
or unknown partition.
Clever Clone™ analyzes the drive structures prior to cloning and only copies sectors that are
occupied by useful files and data. It also adjusts the various drive structures to assure a valid and
fully partitioned target drive. For these reasons, Clever Clone™ is the default cloning mode, and
recommended for use wherever possible.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Q: Can the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ correctly clone hard drives with dual boot configurations,
even in conjunction with NTFS?
A: Yes. The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ will clone a FAT16 followed by either an NTFS or another
FAT16 partition correctly and adjust all the necessary structures so that dual booting is possible.
It will also correctly handle dual boot configurations that use the same partition.
Troubleshooting Guide
Q: Why do I sometimes see transfer speeds that exceed 3.5 GB/min and then other times as slow
as 200 MB/min?
A: There are many factors that determine transfer speed. For example, the speed of the cloning
operation is governed by the slowest drive being used. If an older drive is used as either Master
or Target, chances are it cannot sustain a high data transfer rate. Newer drives have faster
electronics and lager on-drive caches that allow them to reach transfer rates of 33 MB/sec or
The type of cloning operation performed can also affect transfer speeds. When cloning FAT16
partitions, it is sometimes necessary to change the cluster class of the partition. In such cases,
the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ utilizes a more complex method of ensuring it creates a valid Target
With OmniDiagnostic™ installed and its Recover feature enabled, the Logicube Omniclone Xi™
will attempt to recover data from bad or weak sectors found on the Master drive. This is a time
consuming operation that could cause the overall cloning speed to drop significantly.
Q: The Logicube Omniclone Xi™ does not recognize my Master/Target drive.
A: Make sure that the drive jumpers are set to Master/Single. Drive jumper settings can be found
at the drive manufacturer’s web site. Also, check the condition of the power and data cables; they
are rated for a maximum of 500 insertions. New cable sets can be ordered from Logicube.
Q: My Target drive will not boot. Why?
A: Please check several things:
First, make sure that the correct CHS Mode was selected for the Target drive. This will depend
upon the capacity of the Target drive and on the BIOS of the PC in which it will be used. Check
with the hard drive and PC manufacturers to determine which CHS mode is best as different
BIOS systems use different translation methods for large (> 528 MB) capacity drives. See
Chapter 4: Cloning Modes and Settings for more information on the CHS Mode preference
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Also check and make sure that the first partition selected for cloning on the Master drive consists
of a bootable operating system. It is possible to select a data-only partition to be cloned.
However, if it becomes the first partition on the Target, a PC will not consider that drive to be a
valid boot drive.
Finally, scan and check the Master drive for possible problems using a hard drive utility such as
Window’s Scandisk or Chkdsk. Some problems may not show up with casual booting of the
Master, but things such as cross-linked clusters can cause serious cloning errors.
Q: All but the first partition is missing from the Target drive. How did that happen?
A: This is usually the result of having the wrong CHS translation mode for the Target drive being
used. See Chapter 4: Cloning for information on selecting a CHS mode.
Q: Why do I have un-partitioned free space at the end of my Target drive?
A: This typically occurs when the Master drive has FAT16 partitions only and the Target is much
larger than the Master. FAT16 partitions cannot scale up to more than 2.1GB each. FAT32 and
NTFS partitions do not suffer from this limitation and will always be scaled up to fill the target
This can also happen if Mirror Clone™ is used to clone from a small drive to a larger Target drive.
Q: I receive the error: "Drive error– either the speed setting is too high, or a bad sector was
encountered". What is causing this?
A: This error is typically the result of using slower (older) drives, or using drives that have weak or
bad sectors. Defragmenting the master drive or adjusting the Speed setting to a slower mode can
sometimes resolve this error.
Q: Why do I receive a ''Not Enough Memory'' error when running Scandisk or Defragment on
cloned Windows 9.x systems?
A: This issue only applies to FAT32 partitions. The error occurs because both Scandisk and
Defragment cannot handle the increased number of clusters that exist when Targets larger than 8
GB have been cloned from Master drives smaller than 8 GB.
To prevent the problem from occurring, change the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ default Clever
Clone™ mode to Selective Partitions™. Then select the Defragment copy method for the
partition(s) you wish to clone. This will resize the clusters and reduce their number.
Q: Why does my cloned Windows 2000 or Windows XP partition boot to a blue screen?
A: The CHS mode for cloning needs to be set to LBA-1 or LARGE-1. If one of these was used,
then set the CHS mode to LBA-2 or LARGE-2. You may also need to set the Speed option to a
lower setting.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Q: Why do I get the error “Can’t fit data to Target” when cloning between drives of the same size?
A: The drives may be from different manufacturers and the Target actually somewhat smaller
than the Master. Also, the Master drive may have some data at the very end of the partition. This
would prevent it from scaling down.
We recommend that you use a defragment utility on the Master drive before cloning it to the
Target again.
Q: My cloning session stops with the error “Error initializing/writing NTFS data.” Why?
A: This error means that NTFS Clever Clone™ has encountered corrupt data in the boot sector,
MFT or Volume Bitmap of the Master drive. The drive may still boot in a PC, however.
Q: My cloning session always stops at a certain point with a “Drive not ready” error message.
A: The Master drive may have too many bad sectors for the unit to skip over. In rare cases,
sectors can also be too damaged for the unit to skip over. Please refer to the Scan Target and
Repair Target section of Chapter 5: OmniDiagnostics™.
Note that if Verify is set to 1% or 100%, the bad sector(s) may be on the Target drive.
Q: Why does the cloning session stop with an “Invalid MBR” error message?
A: This error comes up when the partition table or boot sector contains corrupt data. Despite the
error, the Master drive may still boot in a PC.
For further assistance please contact Logicube¶s technical support at: 818 700 8488 ext. 3, or by email to
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
12. Reference
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
Built-in software on a motherboard that contains the
instructions required for a PC to boot, control the
hard drives, keyboard, monitor and serial
communications, and perform other low level
CHS (Cylinder, Head, Sector)
The normal or default translation mode used by a
PC for hard drives that are 504 MB or smaller in
capacity. CHS is the only translation mode available
in older BIOS (generally any made prior to 1994). It
will only show a maximum drive size of 504 MB no
matter how large it’s true capacity.
Cloning, Hard Drive
The process of copying the contents of one hard
drive to another with the intent of making an exact
The smallest logical measurement of file storage
space on a hard drive. Every file stored on a drive
takes up one or more clusters of storage. The
clusters associated with a file are kept track of in
the drive’s File Allocation Table (FAT). The
maximum number of available clusters on a drive
depends on the available size of the FAT table.
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checking)
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
A method of checking for errors in data transmitted
from one device to another, e.g. from one hard
drive to another. With CRC the sending device
applies a 16- or 32-bit polynomial to a block of data
to be transmitted and then appends the result to the
block. The receiving device applies the same
polynomial to the data block and compares that
result with the original. If the two values agree, then
the data has been transmitted without error. If the
values don’t match, then the sender is notified to
resend the block of data.
CRC ensures detection of 99.998% of all possible
The process of taking noncontiguous fragments of a
data file stored on a hard drive and rearranging
them into one contiguous group, resulting in
reduced data access times and more efficient use
of hard drive space.
Fragmentation occurs naturally over time as files
are created, deleted, and modified. Some operating
systems come with a utility for defragmenting
drives. Third party defragment utilities are also
DMA (Direct Memory Access)
A method of transferring data from one computer
device to another directly through main memory
without passing it through the CPU.
EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics)
A high-speed electronic interface used for
transferring data between a computer and the
computer's hard drive. The theoretical maximum
IDE transfer rate is 16.6 MB/sec depending on the
hard drive speed, the transfer mode and the
operating system.
FAT (File Allocation Table)
A table that an operating system uses to locate data
stored on a hard drive. The FAT system for DOS
4.0 and above, and for older versions of Windows
95 is called FAT16. The FAT table for Windows 95
OSR2 or newer, Windows 98 and Windows ME is
called FAT32. FAT16 allows for a maximum of
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
65,536 clusters while FAT32 allows for enough
clusters to support up to two terabytes of data.
Geometry, Hard Drive
Hard drive geometry is the set of physical
characteristics that belongs to a particular drive,
The number of platters and cylinders
The number of tracks per cylinder
The number of sectors per track, and
The size of each sector (in bytes)
IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics)
An electronic interface used for transferring data
between a computer and the computer's hard drive.
Most new computers use an advanced version of
IDE called Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
Also called Extended CHS (ECHS) in some BIOS
versions, Large is a BIOS translation mode that
extends the 504 MB drive size barrier of the
standard CHS mode to 4.2 GB.
LBA (Logical Block Addressing)
A translation mode that converts the cylinder, head,
and sector specifications of a hard drive into logical
addresses that can be processed by the BIOS. LBA
supports drives up to 32 GB or larger depending
upon the limitations of the BIOS. To use, it must be
supported by both the BIOS and the drive.
Master Drive, Logicube Omniclone Xi™
The hard drive from which the Logicube Omniclone
Xi™ is copying data to the Target drive. The Master
drive is commonly the one placed inside the
Logicube Omniclone Xi™.
Not to be confused with IDE Master/Single Drive.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Master/Single Drive, IDE
The primary or controlling device connected to an
IDE interface. The second device connected to an
IDE interface is called the Slave drive. Whether a
device is the Master or the Slave is determined by
jumper settings on the device, itself.
Not to be confused with Logicube Omniclone Xi™
Master Drive.
NTFS (New Technology File System)
The standard file system of the Windows NT
operating system. It offers a number of
performance, extendibility, and security improve-
ments over the File Allocation Table (FAT).
Partitions created using NTFS are not accessible
from other operating systems such as DOS.
Parallel Port
An interface for connecting to a computer or an
external device such as a printer. Often called a
Centronics interface after the company that
engineered the original specification.
A newer standard is the Enhanced Parallel Port
(EPP), which supports bi-directional communication
and transfer rates up to ten times faster than a
standard parallel port.
A way of dividing physical hard drive space into
logically separate segments, which an operating
system treats as individual hard drives. Partitioning
is particularly useful when multiple operating
systems are loaded on one drive. For example,
creating one partition for Windows NT, another for
UNIX and so on.
PIO (Programmed Input/Output)
A method of transferring data between two devices
in which all data passes through the CPU. A newer
alternative to PIO is Direct Memory Access (DMA).
See also UDMA.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Refers to the arrangement of the keys on a
standard English computer keyboard. The name
derives from the first six characters located on the
top row of the keyboard.
RAM Disk
RAM that has been configured to appear to a
computer as a hard drive. Files on a RAM disk can
be accessed just as files on a physical drive.
However, RAM disks lose their contents once the
computer has been turned off or rebooted. Also
known as a RAMDISK or RAMDRIVE.
The smallest physically divisible area of a hard
drive where data can be written to, or read from.
The first sector, (known as the master boot record,
the partition sector, or the partition table) tells the
computer vital information about the drive such as
how many partitions it has.
SID (Security ID)
A security feature in the Windows NT and Windows
2000 operating systems comprising of a unique
alphanumeric character string used to identify a
user or a group of users on a network. When a user
attempts to access a resource on the network, the
user’s SID is checked to determine if they have the
correct permissions to perform the requested
Slave Drive, IDE
The secondary device connected to an IDE
interface. See Master/ Single Drive.
SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting
A diagnostic utility built into some modern hard
drives that constantly monitors the media, electronic
components and mechanical components. If
something is encountered that indicates a problem,
SMART is capable of notifying the user.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Target Drive, Logicube Omniclone Xi™
The hard drive to which the Logicube Omniclone
Xi™ copies the contents of the Master drive. The
Target drive is commonly the one connected
externally to the Logicube Omniclone Xi™.
Translation Mode, CHS
A way of logically representing the physical
geometry of a hard drive such that the BIOS of a
computer can interface with it. The type of
translation mode supported by the BIOS will
determine the maximum size a drive can be. The
most common translation modes are CHS, Large
and LBA.
UDMA (Ultra Direct Memory Access)
A high-speed method of transferring data between
a hard drive and a computer’s memory. Ultra
DMA/33 protocol transfers data at a rate of up to
33.3 MBps, twice the rate of standard DMA.
USB (Universal Serial Bus)
A high-speed serial interface for connecting
external peripherals to a computer. USB 1.x
supports data transfer rates of up to 12 Mbps
(Megabits per second). USB 2.0 supports data
rates of up to 480 Mbps. USB 2.0 is fully backward
compatible with USB 1.x, both using the same
cables and connectors.
Wiping, Data
The process of securely erasing information from a
hard drive using a utility that writes a defined or
random pattern of data one or more times onto
every sector.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
13. Index
Active Directory, 22
Drive, CD-ROM, 40
Add Partition, 19
Alphanumeric Keypad, 26, 37
bad sector, 20, 28
BIOS, 22, 49, 51, 52, 54, 57, 59, 62
BIOS, Phoenix, 22
Drive, Compact Flash (CF), 9, 11, 21
Drive, EIDE, III, 2, 7, 58, 59
Drive, IDE, III, 1, 2, 7, 8, 58, 59, 60, 61
Drive, Jumper Setting, 7, 8, 51, 54, 60
Drive, Master, 59
BSD, 14
Button, BACK, 12, 13, 28, 29
Drive, Master/Single, 59, 60
Drive, older, 21, 54
Button, Reset, 9, 10
Drive, S.M.A.R.T., 61
Button, SELECT, 13, 24, 44, 49, 50
Button, SET, 10, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30,
35, 37, 41
Drive, SCSI, 1
Drive, Serial ATA (SATA), III, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 45,
Button, START/STOP, 10, 44, 49, 50
Cable, Drive power, 3
Drive, Slave, 61
Drive, Target, 62
Cable, IDE, 3
Drives, logical, 1
Cable, SCSI, 3
Drives, SCSI, 1, 8
Chkdsk, Microsoft Windows, 55
Clever Clone, 15
Clever CloneŒ, III, 13, 14, 15, 19, 53, 55, 56
Clock, 12, 34
Clone, 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25,
35, 36, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
Cloning, 1
Dual Boot, 54
Dynamic Partitioning, 22
Erase Œ Target Mode, 18
Error, Not Enough Memory, 55
FAT16, 2
FAT32, 2
Cluster, partition, 57
Compact Flash (CF) Slot, 35, 43
Compaq computers, 22
Config List, IV, 33, 35, 36, 37
Connector, MolexŒ, 11
Cylinders, 22, 51, 59
File system, 1, 2, 50, 52, 60
Geometry, Drives, III, 13, 17, 22, 59, 62
Hard Drive, Western Digital, 51
HDD, Hard Disk Drive, 51
HPFS, 52, 53
IBM ThinkpadŒ Computers, 22
Icon, BACK, III, 13, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 35
Icon, Drives, 25
Icon, General Preferences, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35, 37
Icon, Scroll, 19
Indicator Lights, III, 10, 11
Interface, Graphical, 2
Defragment, 15
Defragment (Defrag), 15, 16, 52, 55, 56, 58
DELL laptop Computers, 22
DELL OptiplexŒ computers, III, 19
Disclaimer, Liability Limitation, II
Disclaimer, Liability Limitations, II, III
Disk, Floppy, 4
Keypad, Alphanumeric, 26, 37
Laptop Drives, 1.9, 8
DiskOn Modules, 21
Display, LCD, 9, 50
Laptop Drives, 2.5, 8, 52
Large, 22
Department of Defense, 29
DoD, Department of Defense, 2, 29, 30
DoD, Specification M-5220, 29, 30
Drive Bay, 2, 45, 46
Drive letter, 1
Drive Station, IV, 45, 46
Large 8.5, CHS Translation Setting, 22
LARGE, CHS Translation Setting, 22, 55, 59, 62
LARGE-1, CHS Translation Setting, 22
LARGE-2, CHS Translation Setting, 22
LBA, 22
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
LBA 8.5, CHS Translation Setting, 22
LBA, CHS Translation Setting, 8, 22, 51, 55, 59,
RAID Array, 17
RAMDRIVE, 50, 61
LBA-1, CHS Translation Setting, 22, 55
LBA-2, CHS Translation Setting, 22, 55
License key, 24
Light Bar, III, 2, 4, 10, 11
Light, Amber (Light Bar), 11
Light, Error, 11
Recalibrate Touch Screen, 9
Repair Target Mode, IV, 28, 29, 56
Samsung Computers, 22
Scan Target Mode, IV, 27, 28, 56
Scandisk, Microsoft Windows, 55
Scanner, Barcode, IV, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39
Scratch drive, 3
Screen, About, III, 12
Light, Green (Light Bar), 10
Light, Power, 10
Light, Red (Light Bar), 11
Light, Status, 10, 49
Linux, 14, 16, 17, 52
Screen, Drive Info, 13, 51
Screen, Main Menu, 12, 49, 50
Screen, Settings, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24,
25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 37, 41
Screen, Status, 31
Screen, Touch, III, 2, 9, 10, 13, 37
Screws, Thumb, 11, 46
Sector, 61
Logical drives, 1
Master ManagerŒ, III, 13, 18, 19, 24
Menu, Software Setup, IV, 44, 48, 49, 50
Mirror (100%) CloneŒ, III, 13, 14, 17, 21, 35,
51, 53, 55
Mirror CloneŒ, III, 13, 17, 51, 55
NewSID.exe, 23
NT FAT, 51
Sector, bad, 20, 24, 27, 28, 53, 54, 55, 56
Sector, weak, 20, 24, 27, 28, 54
Security Identification Number (SID), IV, 13,
22, 23, 53, 61
NTFS Clever CloneŒ, 13, 56
OCX2iŒ, 1, 3, 4, 11, 47
OCX5iŒ, 1, 3, 4, 11, 47
OCXiŒ, 1, 3, 4, 11, 25, 47
OmniDiagnosticsŒ, IV, 24, 27, 32, 56
OmniSCSI One-to-OneŒ, 1, 3
OmniSCSI-2Œ, 1, 3
Setting, CHS Translation, IV, 22, 62
Setting, Database, 26, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38
Setting, DataBase, 26, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38
Setting, Last Drive, IV, 23, 25
Setting, On Error, IV, 23, 24
Setting, Password, IV, 26
Setting, Set Option, IV, 23, 24, 25, 32
Setting, Speed, 21, 55
OmniSCSI-4Œ, 1, 3
OmniSCSIŒ, Logicube, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 15, 18, 24
On Error, Abort, 23, 24
On Error, Recover, 24, 53, 54
On Error, Retry, 24
Setting, Verify, III, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 27, 53, 56
Software, Loading, V, 43, 48, 49
Speed benchmarking, 21
Speed, PIO-Auto, 21
On Error, Skip, 24
Speed, PIO-CPU, 21
Option, Database/Barcode, IV, 26, 32, 35, 38
Optional Preference Settings, 20
Parallel Port, V, 49, 60
Speed, PIO-Medium, 21
Speed, PIO-Slow, 21
Speed, UDMA-0, 21
Partition Mirror, 15, 17
Speed, UDMA-1, 21
Partition, Drive, 15, 19, 60
Partition, Dynamic, 17
Speed, UDMA-2, 21
Speed, UDMA-3, 21
Partition, FAT16, 2, 14, 15, 16, 49, 50, 51, 52,
53, 54, 55, 58
Speed, UDMA-4, 21
Speed, UDMA-5, 21
Partition, FAT32, 2, 15, 16, 50, 52, 53, 55, 58
Partition, NTFS, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 24, 50, 52,
53, 54, 55, 56, 60
Partition, Partitions, 1, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Partition, Striped, 17
Switch, Power, 9
Sysprep, Microsoft, 23
Technical Support, Logicube, 4, 8, 12, 56
Unix, 14, 17, 52, 53, 60
USB 1.x, 40, 62
Partition, Unknown (??), 16, 52
Partitions, III, 1, 14, 15, 19, 52, 55, 60
Password Protection Feature, 23
PC (computer), 1, 15, 18
USB 2.0, 40, 62
USB Port, IV, 2, 3, 4, 40
User interface (UI), 9
Virus Protection Software, 53
Volumes, 1
Position, Master, 18
Power Cord, AC, 7, 8, 47
Power Supply, IV, 2, 4, 9, 45, 46, 47
Warranty, Parts and Labor, II, III
Website, Logicube, 43, 48, 49, 51
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
Win2000, 2
Win95/98, 2
Win98, 2
Windows NT, 2
WipeCleanŒ Target Mode, IV, 18, 29, 30, 31,
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual
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