Dea r Va lued C ustomer,
Tha nk you for c hoosing Listen! All of us a t Listen a re dedic a ted to providing
you with the highest qua lity produc ts a va ila ble. We ta ke grea t pride in their
outsta nding performa nc e bec a use we c a re tha t you a re c ompletely
sa tisfied. Tha t’s why we independently c ertify them to the highest qua lity
sta nda rds a nd ba c k them with a limited lifetime gua ra ntee. We sta nd rea dy
to a nswer a ny questions you might ha ve during insta lla tion or in the opera tion
of our produc ts. Should you experienc e a ny problems wha tsoever with your
Listen produc ts, we a re rea dy to help you in a ny wa y we c a n with prompt,
effic ient c ustomer c a re. Bec a use a t Listen, it’s a ll a bout you! And should you
ha ve a ny c omments on how we might improve our produc ts or our
servic e, we’re here to listen.
Here’s how to rea c h us:
North Americ a
fa x
support@listentec h.c om
www.listentec h.c om
Tha nk you a nd enjoy your listening experienc e!
Best rega rds,
Russell G entner a nd the Listen Tea m
• In the few insta nc es where repa irs were needed, 99% of a ll c lients indic a ted tha t they were ha ppy with
repa ir turn-a round-times a nd 85% of the time, c lients were without their produc t for less tha n 10 da ys!
• Overa ll c lient sa tisfa c tion of working with Listen wa s ra ted 4.8 out of 5.
• “Plea se c ontinue with your exc ellent a ttitude towa rd c ustomer sa tisfa c tion. You guys a re grea t!”
• “I’ve never ha d suc h good servic e from a ny c ompa ny. Keep up the good work!”
• “You sta nd behind your produc t wonderfully.”
Assistive Listening • La ngua ge Interpreta tion • Soundfield • Tour G roup • C onferenc ing
LT-700 Table of Contents
Pa c ka ge C ontents
150 MHz Spec ific a tions
Quic k Referenc e
Setup Instruc tions
Opera ting Instruc tions
Progra mming Instruc tions
C ha rging Ba tteries
Wa ll Tra nsformer Opera tion
C ha nnel Selec tion
Listen SQ™
RF Rec eption Ma ximiza tion Stra tegies
150 MHz Frequenc y C ha rt
Wa rra nty
C onta c t Informa tion
Optiona l Ac c essories
LT-700 Pac kage Contents
LT-700-150 Contents
• LT-700-150 (150 MHz)
Listen Part Number
LT-700-150 (150 MHz)
Optional Accessories
See pa ge 20
LT-700 Spec ific ations
Architectural Specifications
The porta ble FM tra nsmitter sha ll be c a pa ble of broa dc a sting on 32 c ha nnels. The unit sha ll
inc orpora te a mic rophone sensitivity switc h. The devic e sha ll broa dc a st on both wide a nd
na rrow ba nd c ha nnels with a SNR of 80 dB or grea ter. The devic e sha ll ha ve a n a udio frequenc y
response of 50 Hz to 15 KHz (±3 dB). The devic e will inc orpora te a mute switc h. The ba ttery door
sha ll be c a pa ble of being mec ha nic a lly loc ked. The devic e sha ll inc orpora te a n LC D displa y
tha t indic a tes c ha nnel, ba ttery level, low ba ttery, ba ttery c ha rging, a nd RF signa l strength. The
devic e sha ll be a ble to ena ble c ompa nding. The unit sha ll opera te off of two (2) AA ba tteries;
a lka line or NiMH. The porta ble tra nsmitter sha ll inc orpora te a utoma tic ba ttery c ha rging c irc uitry
for rec ha rging of NiMH ba tteries, with the a bility to c ha rge via a wa ll tra nsformer or drop in
c ha rging c a se. The Listen LT-700-150 is spec ified.
RF Frequenc y Ra nge
Number of C ha nnels
150.8000 MHz - 152.3500 MHz
6 wideba nd, 26 na rrowba nd
Six (6)
Number of Simulta neous
Tra nsmitters
Frequenc y Ac c ura c y
Tra nsmitter Sta bility
Tra nsmission Ra nge
Output Power
± .005% sta bility 32 to 122º (0 to 50ºC )
50 PPM
up to 45.72 m (150 ft.)
10 mW ma ximum
Uses mic rophone c a ble
3.5 mm c onnec tor
C -Tic k
Antenna C onnec tor
C omplia nc e
System Frequenc y
50 Hz - 15 kHz (±3dB)
System Signa l to Noise Ra tio
System Distortion
SQ ena bled 80 dB, SQ disa bled 60 dB
<2% tota l ha rmonic distortion (THD) a t 80% devia tion
Mic rophone Input
Mic rophone Sensitivity
Line Input
Unba la nc ed, tip of 3.5mm c onnec tor, -20 dbu nomina l, -30 dbu ma ximum, impeda nc e 21 ohms
Three position switc h: high, middle, a nd low; 6 db inc rements
Unba la nc ed, ring of 3.5mm c onnec tor, -10 dbu nomina l input level, -3 dbu ma ximum, impeda nc e 10K ohms
3 VDC Bia s
Mic rophone Power
User C ontrols
Power, mute, c ha nnel UP/DOWN
Set-up C ontrols (ba ttery
c ompa rtment)
Mic sensitivity, NiMH/a lka line ba ttery, SQ ena ble/disa ble
C ontrols &
Indic a tors
Progra mming
C ha nnel loc k out, C ha nnel loc k
Red, illumina ted when unit is on. Fla shes when ba tteries a re low, or to indic a te c ha rging. Fla shes when muted.
C ha nnel Designa tion, loc k sta tus, signa l strength indic a tion, ba ttery life, RF Power
Displa y
Ba ttery Type
Two (2) AA ba tteries, a lka line or NiMH
15 hours a lka line (LA-361), 8 hours NiMH rec ha rgea ble (LA-362)
Ba ttery Life (Listen ba tteries)
Ba ttery C ha rging (NIMH only)
Power Supply
Fully a utoma tic , 13 hours
I/P 120VAC ; O/P 7.5VDC 250 mA; Drop in c onta c t points for use with c ha rging c a ses. Power supply not inc luded (LA-208)
Power Supply C onnec tor
2.3mm OD by 0.7mm ID, ba rrel type c onnec tor 7.5 VDC , c enter positive <250 mA.
Drop in c onta c t points for use with Listen c ha rging c a ses
Power Supply C omplia nc e
RoHS, WEEE, UL, PSE, C E, C UL, TUV, C B c omplia nt
Dimensions (H x W x D)
C olor
3.00 x 1.00 x 5.00 in. (7.6 x 2.5 x 13.0 c m)
Da rk G rey with white silk sc reening
Unit Weight
3.9 oz (111g)
Physic a l
Unit Weight with ba tteries
Shipping Weight
5.8 oz (164g)
1.0 lbs. (0.45kg)
Ma nua lly Loc ka ble (on sides). Up, down, a nd power buttons through door
* Spec ific a tions a re subjec t to c ha nge without notific a tion.
LT-700 Quic k Referenc e
LT-700 Front
MUTE / TALK switch
(more information on page 9)
3.5 mm Input Jack
A Listen microphone or line
level cable connects here.
Look & Listen Display™
The display shows level, channel,
battery status, PROGRAM mode,
whether a channel is locked, and
whether a channel is locked out
from selection (PROGRAM mode).
See close-up below.
Use UP and DOWN buttons to
select a channel. Press and hold
either button for 5 seconds to lock
the channel. Press and hold either
button again to unlock.
Power Switch
Press PWR switch to turn
unit on. Press and hold
to turn unit off. When in
PROGRAM mode, this switch
is used to toggle the lock out
(L/O) mode for a channel.
Press and hold both buttons for 5
seconds to enter PROGRAM mode.
The PGM icon will appear in the
display. To exit PROGRAM, let unit
sit idle for 5 seconds.
LT-700 Look &
Listen Display
Indicates the
currently tuned
When dots are illuminated, the
microphone is active. If this
display does not appear, the
microphone is muted.
Battery level indicator. The indicator
flashes, along with the red LED on top of
the unit, to alert you when the
Indicates the unit is in
PROGRAM mode. To enter
PROGRAM mode, press and
hold the UP and DOWN keys
until the PGM icon appears in
battery is low and needs to be charged
or changed. (see information below)
If the padlock icon is
the display. To exit PROGRAM
mode, let the unit sit idle for 5
When in the PROGRAM
visible, the channel is
locked. Press and hold
either the UP and DOWN
button for 5 seconds to
lock or unlock.
mode, L/O indicates
whether a particular
channel is locked out.
LT-700 Battery Indicator
One segment showing:
Your batteries less than 25% capacity.
When this segment begins flashing
along with the LED on top of the unit,
you should immediately change your
batteries or recharge them (if using
NiMH batteries).
Two segments showing:
The batteries are at
25-49% capacity.
All three segments
showing: The batteries
are at 50% or greater
LT-700 Quic k Referenc e
LT-700 Inside Access Door
Battery Select
SQ Switch
Mic Sensitivity
Mic Sensitivity Switch - it arrives set at MED, which will work for
most microphones. If your mic level is too low, change the switch
to HI; if the level is too high, switch to LO. (see page 7 for more
Battery Select Switch - place in NiMH position ONLY if you are
using Nickel Metal Hydride batteries, otherwise, leave it in the
Alkaline position.
SQ Switch: shipped in the ON position, use a screwdriver or pen
to slide to the OFF position if needed. You should turn SQ off if
you are using any non Listen receiver or older Listen receiver that
does not have the SQ feature. (see page 14 for more information)
LT-700 Top of Unit
MUTE / TALK switch - this mutes the mic only and
not the line input when in the mute position.
LED indicators:
Steady Red: Normal operation
Slow Flashing: Battery is low
Slow Flashing while charging: Unit is charging
Fast Flashing: Mute
3.5mm Input Jack
A microphone or line level cable connects here.
A Note on Charging NiMH Batteries
If you are using NiMH batteries in any Listen product, you should
allow adequate time for the charger (charging case or LA-208) to
complete a full charge cycle on the batteries. This takes about 13
LT-700 Setup Instruc tions
Remove the product
Remove outer pa c ka ging a nd pla stic c over. Inspec t for physic a l da ma ge.
If da ma ge is a ppa rent, plea se c onta c t Listen Tec hnologies C orpora tion
tec hnic a l support for a ssista nc e. See pa ge 19 for c onta c t informa tion.
Open the front access door
If loc ked, use a poc ketknife or sma ll sc rewdriver to unloc k the door loc ks
on both sides of the unit. To unloc k the door, rota te the loc k 1/4 turn
c ounterc loc kwise.
G rip the two ta bs with your thumb a nd index finger a nd pull the door
downwa rd. Do NOT pla c e ba tteries in the unit yet.
Select Battery Type
See dia gra m below. You ha ve two c hoic es: NiMH a nd Alka line. The unit is
shipped with the switc h in the Alka line position. Use a pen or sma ll sc rewdriver
to selec t the ba ttery type.
CAUTION: If you a re using a ny ba ttery type other tha n rec ha rgea ble Nic kel
Meta l Hydride (NiMH) ba tteries, ma ke sure the BATTERY selec tion switc h is in
the a lka line position.
WARNING: Do not place the BATTERY switch in the NiMH position if you are not using Nickel Metal
Hydride Batteries. The NiMH position will attempt to charge any batteries in the unit, even if they are
not the proper type. Charging non-Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries will result in physical harm,
destruction of property and/or fire.
Set SQ switch
The SQ switc h is inside the ba ttery c ompa rtment next to the Ba ttery
Selec t switc h. The unit is shipped with SQ in the ON position. To turn it
off, use a sma ll sc rewdriver or pen to slide the switc h to the OFF
position (to the right). See pa ge 14 for more informa tion on SQ.
Battery Select
SQ Switch
Mic Sensitivity
Set Mic Sensitivity Switch
The mic rophone sensitivity switc h is loc a ted inside the ba ttery
c ompa rtment, to the left of the BATTERY selec tion switc h. The LT-700 is
shipped with this switc h in the c enter (MED) position. Listen
rec ommends the following settings for our mic rophones. If you a re
using a mic rophone from a nother vendor, you ma y need to
experiment with different settings.
Part # Description
LA-261 La va lier Mic rophone
LA-262 Over-the-Hea d Mic rophone
LA-270 Noise C a nc eling Mic rophone
LA-272 Over-the-Hea d Mic rophone w/Ea rphone
LA-274 Ha ndheld Mic rophone
LA-276 C olla r Mic rophone
NOTE: If the setting is too low
for the microphone the audio
will be faint. If the setting is too
high for the microphone in use
the audio will be distorted.
LA-277 C onferenc e Mic rophone
LA-278 Behind-the-Hea d Mic rophone
LA-279 Over-The-Ea r Mic rophone Presenta tion
LT-700 Setup Instruc tions (c ont.)
Place Batteries in Unit
Pla c e two (2) AA ba tteries in the c ompa rtment, ma king note of the ba ttery
pola rity shown in the ba ttery c ompa rtment, a nd a ga in verifying tha t the
BATTERY SELEC T switc h is in the c orrec t position for the ba tteries you a re using.
(ALK should be selec ted for a ll ba ttery types other tha n NiMH).
NOTE: Listen uses 2300mAh (milli-Amp-hour) c onsta nt c urrent NiMH (Nic kel
Meta l Hydride) ba tteries. These ma y be purc ha sed from your Listen dea ler
(a sk for pa rt number LA-362).
Connect the Microphone
The mic rophone ja c k is loc a ted on top of the unit. The LT-700 uses the mic rophone
c a ble a s a n a ntenna for tra nsmitting.
Optional - Connect the Line Input Cable.
This c a ble a llows you to c onnec t a TV, C D pla yer or other
equipment to the LT-700. To do this, you must order the
Listen LA-263 Line Input C a ble (it is not inc luded with your
unit). This c a ble a llows you to c onnec t both a mic rophone
a nd line input to the ja c k on top of the LT-700. See the
dia gra m below for c onnec tion informa tion. You c a n use the
mic rophone a nd the line input a t the sa me time. Plea se note
tha t the MUTE switc h mutes only the mic rophone; the line
sourc e will c ontinue tra nsmitting when the switc h is in the
MUTE position.
If you prefer to ma ke your own c a ble for c onnec tion of mic
a nd line inputs, c onnec tion shown in the following dia gra m:
LT-700 Operating Instruc tions
Make sure the unit is on
When you press the power button, the LED on top of the unit will be illumina ted a nd the LC D displa y will be
Select the channel for transmitting
Plea se refer to C ha nnel Selec tion on pa ge 13 for guidelines on c hoosing a n
interferenc e-free c ha nnel.
To selec t a c ha nnel, press either the c ha nnel UP or DOWN button until the displa y rea ds the c ha nnel you
wa nt. To loc k your selec tion, press a nd hold the UP or DOWN button for 5 sec onds. When loc ked, the sma ll
pa dloc k ic on will be visible on the displa y. Press a nd hold either button a ga in to unloc k.
150 MHz Units
The LT-700-150 opera tes on 6 wide ba nd c ha nnels a nd 26 na rrow ba nd c ha nnels.
Close the Access Door
Loc k it if desired by turning the loc ks on the side of the unit to the vertic a l position. See dia gra m on pa ge 7.
Using the red MUTE / TALK switch on top of the unit
The red mute/ta lk switc h on top of the unit is a ha ndy wa y to “turn off” the a udio from the mic rophone.
Slide the switc h to the mute position a nd the mic rophone a udio is muted. When the mic rophone a udio is
muted, the LED on top of the unit fla shes ra pidly. Slide the switc h ba c k to the ta lk position a nd the mic ro-
phone a udio will return to the tra nsmission. If you a re using line level a udio, it will not be effec ted by the
mute/ta lk switc h.
LT-700 Shown in the TALK position
LT-700 Programming Instruc tions
The LT-700 c a n be progra mmed to tra nsmit on a limited number of c ha nnels. For a pplic a tions where
users a re required to selec t a c ha nnel (suc h a s c la ssrooms or la ngua ge interpreta tion), a nd you
don’t wa nt them to ha ve to sc roll through a ll of the a va ila ble c ha nnels, this fea ture is idea l. You c a n
set up the LT-700 so tha t only the c ha nnels they need to use a re a va ila ble for selec tion with the UP
a nd DOWN buttons.
Enter PROGRAM Mode
Press a nd hold the UP a nd DOWN keys simulta neously until the PG M symbol is displa yed (see the
Look & Listen™ Quic k Referenc e on pa ge 5).
Scroll Through Channels to Lock or Unlock
Use the UP a nd DOWN c ha nnel selec t keys to sc roll through a ll a va ila ble c ha nnels. If the L/O symbol
a ppea rs with a pa rtic ula r c ha nnel’s indic a tor, this mea ns tha t pa rtic ula r c ha nnel will not be
a va ila ble for selec tion by the user. To toggle a c ha nnel between loc ked out a nd a va ila ble, press
the POWER button.
To exit PROGRAM mode
Allow the unit to sit idle (don’t press a ny buttons) for 5 sec onds. The LT-700 will exit the
PROG RAM mode a nd the PG M ic on will disa ppea r.
LT-700 Charging Batteries
The LT-700 a nd a ll Listen rec eivers a re unique bec a use they ha ve Sma rtC ha rge™ c ha rgers built in.
When a ny of these units a re c onnec ted to a n LA-208 wa ll tra nsformer or dropped into a Listen c ha rging
c a se, NiMH ba tteries will be c ha rged.
Connect LA-208 here and plug
To c ha rge the ba tteries using the LA-208 wa ll tra nsformer, plug the
it into an AC wall outlet.
tra nsformer into the ja c k ma rked “PWR/C HG ” on the side of the unit.
The unit c a n be opera ted while the ba tteries a re c ha rging.
To c ha rge the ba tteries using a drop-in c ha rger, simply pla c e the unit into a slot
in the c ha rger a nd c onnec t the c ha rger to power. Ma ke sure the unit is fully
sea ted in its slot.
There a re severa l c ha rging c a ses a va ila ble from Listen. C hec k the Listen
website for more deta ils.
Sma rtC ha rge™ uses a pulse c ha rging, whic h grea tly extends the life of Nic kel
Meta l Hydride (NiMH) ba tteries. The entire c ha rging proc ess ta kes a bout 13
hours. Listen rec ommends tha t you a llow the c ha rger to c omplete its full c yc le
every time for ma ximum ba ttery life.
METAL HYDRIDE) with your Listen equipment. Alkaline batteries may explode when connected to a
charger. Other risks of charging non-NiMH batteries include destruction of property or fire.
IMPORTANT: In order to charge NiMH batteries, the BATTERY SELECT switch in your Listen product
must be set to the NiMH setting. Use a pen or small screwdriver to move the switch (located in the
battery compartment) to the proper position.
During the c ha rge c yc le, the red LED on top of the Listen produc t will fla sh slowly. When c ha rging is
c ompleted, the LED will turn off. It is not nec essa ry to unplug the c ha rger; however, if you unplug the unit
from the c ha rger a nd then plug it ba c k in, it will begin the 13-hour c ha rge c yc le over a ga in.
When not using the LT-700, it is rec ommended to lea ve the unit on the c ha rger. The c ha rger provides a
ma intena nc e c ha rge tha t keeps the ba ttery a t 100%. If the unit is not on the c ha rger, the ba ttery will lose
up to 20% of its c ha rge per month.
NOTE: Listen uses 2300mAh (milli-Amp-hour) c onsta nt c urrent NiMH (Nic kel Meta l Hydride) ba tteries. These
ma y be purc ha sed from your Listen dea ler (a sk for pa rt number LA-362).
One of several charging
cases available from Listen.
for more options.
LA-311 - 16-unit Drop In Charging Case shown
LT-700 Wall Transformer Operation
The LT-700 will opera te norma lly when c onnec ted to a wa ll tra nsformer. Use Listen pa rt number LA-208,
a va ila ble from a ny Listen dea ler. C onnec t the wa ll tra nsformer to the ja c k on the side of the LT-700
ma rked “PWR/C HG ” a nd plug the wa ll tra nsformer into a grounded AC outlet.
You do not need to ha ve ba tteries insta lled in the LT-700 to opera te it with a wa ll tra nsformer.
NOTE: If ba tteries a re in the unit ensure tha t the ba ttery selec tion switc h is set properly a s shown on
pa ge 7. Plea se review the informa tion on pa ge 11 for importa nt informa tion rega rding ba ttery type a nd
c ha rging.
Channel Selec tion
It is importa nt to c hoose c ha nnels tha t a re free from interferenc e to a c hieve proper opera tion of your
Listen equipment. This proc ess is tria l a nd error. Before turning on the tra nsmitter, listen to the wide
ba nd c ha nnels. Listen to the a udio through the hea dphone or on a Listen rec eiver or
rec eiver / spea ker. C hoose a c ha nnel with the lea st a mount of interfa c e. Unless you a re interfa c ing
with a n existing na rrowba nd tra nsmission system, a lwa ys use a wide ba nd c ha nnel. If you a re using
multiple c ha nnels follow this proc ess:
a . Sa me Spa c e If you a re using multiple tra nsmitters in the sa me spa c e, the ma ximum number of
c ha nnels tha t will work simulta neously is six a t 150 MHz. With a ll of the tra nsmitters off, listen for
interferenc e on a ll the wide ba nd c ha nnels via the hea dphone ja c k on a Listen rec eiver. Using
the frequenc y c ha rt on pa ge 16, elimina te a ny c ha nnels tha t ha ve notic ea ble interferenc e. Now
c hoose the c ha nnels with the widest c ha nnel spa c ing. It is rec ommended tha t a dja c ent c ha nnels
be spa c ed a t lea st 300 kHz.
b. Distributed spa c ing if you a re using tra nsmitters tha t a re sprea d out over spa c e, you c a n a c hieve
more simulta neous broa dc a st c ha nnels. However, it is c ritic a l tha t your rec eiver(s) be loc a ted a s
c lose to its tra nsmitter a s possible. You c a n use a dja c ent c ha nnels (see frequenc y c ha rt on pa ge
16) in this c a se a s long a s the a dja c ent c ha nnel tra nsmitter is a t lea st 50%
further a wa y from the rec eiver a s its tra nsmitter.
It is highly rec ommended tha t a fter c ha nnel selec tion ha s been a c hieved, you loc k the c ha nnel
so tha t it c a nnot be c ha nged by the user. To a c c omplish LOC K on the LT-700, press both the UP or
DOWN buttons simulta neously for 5 sec onds. Repea t the proc ess to unloc k.
Wide Band Recommendation
Listen recommends that you always use
a wide band channel unless you need to
be compatible with existing narrow band
receivers from other manufacturers. Wide
band channels have lower noise than their
narrow band counterparts.
At 150MHz
The LT-800 at 72MHz operates on 6 wide
band channels and 27 narrow band
• Numbers (0-6)= Wide Band Channels
(Example: 4)
• Numbers (7-32)= Narrow Band
Channels (Example: 32)
Listen SQ™ - Improving your Listening Experienc e
• SQ is NOT squelch
People a re a c c ustomed to listening to low noise, high fidelity a udio (delivered via
C D, DVD, etc .). FM ra dio systems, suc h a s those ma de by Listen, ha ve more
• Improves noise
performance by at least
inherent noise c ompa red to most sound systems. To minimize noise, Listen uses a
noise reduc tion tec hnology c a lled ListenSQ™ . Both the tra nsmitter a nd rec eiver
must ha ve the SQ fea ture ena bled to a c hieve the desired results. SQ is a va ila ble
• SQ is NOT compatible
with older version Listen
on new Listen systems, inc luding the system you rec eived in this shipment. If you
a re pla nning to use this produc t with older Listen systems tha t do not ha ve Listen
SQ or equipment not ma nufa c tured by Listen, you should disa ble Listen SQ. Your
• SQ is NOT compatible
with other manufacturers
Listen equipment ha s been shipped to you with the SQ fea ture ena bled. You
ma y need to disa ble the SQ func tion for one or more of the following rea sons:
1. You a re using your new Listen system with older version Listen equipment tha t
• To work properly, SQ must
be enabled for both the
transmitter and receivers
does not ha ve the SQ func tion.
2. You a re using your new Listen system with equipment supplied by other
• SQ can be disabled to
permit operation with older
Listen products or other
ma nufa c turers.
manufacturers products
3. You expec t tha t end users ma y bring a nd use their own
rec eivers tha t donít ha ve the SQ func tion.
RF Rec eption Maximization Strategies
For proper a nd dependa ble opera tion, Listen rec eivers should rec eive a strong a nd c onsistent signa l
from the origina ting tra nsmitter. The following stra tegies should be used ma ximize this signa l:
a . When using your system, keep in mind tha t the loc a tion of both the tra nsmitter a nd rec eiver is
c ritic a l to ma ximizing signa l strength.
b. Elimina te or minimize obstruc tions between the tra nsmitter a nd the rec eivers.
c . Minimize the dista nc e between the tra nsmitter a nd the rec eivers.
d. Sta y c lea r of meta l objec ts.
e. Keep the mic rophone a nd hea dphone c a bles fully extended. Do not shorten or c oil mic rophone
a nd hea dphone c a bles. These c a bles a re the a ntenna s for you porta ble produc ts.
150 MHz Compatibility Chart
LT-700 Troubleshooting
The LT-700 has no power
Ma ke sure the unit ha s fully c ha rged ba tteries, or ha s a Listen LA-208 wa ll tra nsformer c onnec ted to it.
Press the ON button. If this does not work, try a different set of ba tteries. Ma ke sure the ba tteries a re
insta lled c orrec tly.
There is no audio
Ma ke sure the MUTE/TALK switc h is in the TALK position. Ma ke sure you ha ve the mic rophone plugged
a ll the wa y in to the input ja c k. Ma ke sure you a re using a Listen a pproved mic rophone (see list on
pa ge 7). If you a re using the line input, ma ke sure you ha ve c onnec ted a line level, unba la nc ed input
a t the ring of the c onnec tor.
The audio is distorted
Ma ke sure you a re using a n a pproved Listen mic rophone. Try using a different mic sensitivity switc h
setting (the switc h is loc a ted inside the ba ttery c ompa rtment of the unit). If you a re using a line level
input, try turning down the level of the input. If you a re using a ny equipment tha t does not ha ve SQ
c a pa bility, turn off SQ in the LT-700.
There is hum in the audio
The mic rophone ma y be too c lose to a tra nsformer. Try moving a round a nd see if the hum goes a wa y.
The microphone level is low
The mic rophone must be in c lose proximity to the person who is spea king. If this does not work, try using
a hea d-worn mic rophone. The mic sensitivity switc h ma y be on the wrong setting, see pa ge 7. Try a
different setting (the switc h is loc a ted inside the ba ttery c ompa rtment). Some mic rophones ha ve
direc tiona l pic kups, ensure tha t the mic rophone in use is oriented a nd positioned properly (pointing a t
the spea kers mouth).
The audio doesn’t have much fidelity
If your rec eivers a ll ha ve SQ c a pa bility, a c tiva te SQ in a ll units by moving their switc hes to the ON
position. In the LT-700 a nd a ll SQ-equipped rec eivers, the SQ switc h is loc a ted inside the ba ttery
c ompa rtment. See pa ge 14 for more informa tion.
There is too much noise
This is most likely bec a use the mic rophone is not c lose enough to the spea kers mouth, a nd it is pic king
up ba c kground noise. Try positioning the mic rophone c loser or try using a mic rophone tha t is direc -
tiona l (suc h a s a hea d-worn mic ). If you a re using a na rrow ba nd c ha nnel, try switc hing to a wide ba nd
c ha nnel. Try a nother setting on the mic sensitivity switc h (loc a ted inside the ba ttery c ompa rtment).
Ensure the mic rophone is not brushing up a ga inst a nything. See pa ge 7 for more informa tion.
There is interference
Try different frequenc ies until you find a c lea r c ha nnel.
I cannot pick up the signal on the receiver
Ma ke sure the tra nsmitter a nd the rec eiver a re on the sa me frequenc y ba nd a nd c ha nnel.
I can pick up the signal on the receiver, but it sounds like it’s not tuned in
C hec k to ma ke sure the tra nsmitter a nd rec eiver a re on exa c tly the sa me c ha nnel number / letter. If
using a nother bra nd of rec eiver refer to Listen’s Frequenc y C ha rt on pa ge 16).
LT-700 Troubleshooting (c ont.)
There is not sufficient range
The LT-700 is a porta ble tra nsmitter tha t uses the mic rophone c a ble a s a n a ntenna a nd the ra nge will
va ry depending on the loc a tion of the rec eivers c ompa red to the tra nsmitter. You c a n only expec t
a bout 100 feet of a vera ge effec tive working ra nge.
It’s confusing for users to have 32 channels when switching between channels
Use the PROG RAM func tion to loc k out unwa nted c ha nnels. This wa y, users will only need to sc roll a mong
a few c ha nnels.
I cannot change the channel
It is proba bly loc ked (c hec k for the pa dloc k ic on). To unloc k, press a nd hold the UP or DOWN
button for 5 sec onds.
My batteries are not charging
Ma ke sure you a re using NiMH ba tteries a nd tha t the BATTERY SELEC T switc h (inside the ba ttery
c ompa rtment) is set to the NiMH position. Ma ke sure the ba tteries a re insta lled c orrec tly. Ma ke sure you
a re using the right kind of wa ll tra nsformer (Listen pa rt number LA-208) or c ha rging c a se. Ma ke sure the
c ha rging c a se is c onnec ted to power a nd the unit is sec urely pushed into its slot in the c a se.
NOTE: Listen uses 2300 mAh (milli-Amp-hour) c onsta nt c urrent NiMH (Nic kel Meta l Hydride) ba tteries.
These ma y be purc ha sed from your Listen dea ler (a sk for pa rt number LA-362).
Warranty & Contac ting Listen
Listen Tec hnologies C orpora tion (Listen) wa rra nts its tra nsmitters a nd rec eivers (LT-82, LT-700, LT-800, LR-42,
LR-44, LR-400, LR-500) to be free from defec ts in workma nship a nd ma teria l under norma l use a nd c onditions for the
useful lifetime of the produc t from da te of purc ha se.
Listen wa rra nts its Sta tiona ry IR Ra dia tors (LA-140) to be free from defec ts in workma nship a nd ma teria l under norma l
use a nd c onditions for three yea rs from the da te of purc ha se.
Listen wa rra nts its Noise C a nc eling Mic rophone (LA-270) to be free from defec ts in workma nship a nd ma teria l under
norma l use a nd c onditions for one yea r from da te of purc ha se.
Listen wa rra nts its C ha rging/C a rrying C a ses (LA-306, LA-311, LA-313, LA-317, LA-318, LA-319, LA-320, LA-321, LA-322,
LA-323, LA-324, LA-325) to be free from defec ts in workma nship a nd ma teria l under norma l use a nd c onditions for
one yea r from da te of purc ha se.
All other produc ts a nd a c c essories a re wa rra nted for 90 da ys from da te of purc ha se.
This wa rra nty is only a va ila ble to the origina l end purc ha ser of the produc t a nd c a nnot be tra nsferred. Wa rra nty is
only va lid if wa rra nty c a rd ha s been returned within 90 da ys of purc ha se. This wa rra nty is void if da ma ge oc c urred
bec a use of misuse or if the produc t ha s been repa ired or modified by a nyone other tha n a fa c tory a uthorized
servic e tec hnic ia n. Wa rra nty does not c over norma l wea r a nd tea r on the produc t or a ny other physic a l da ma ge
unless the da ma ge wa s the result of a ma nufa c turing defec t. Listen is not lia ble for c onsequentia l da ma ges due to
a ny fa ilure of equipment to perform a s intended. Listen sha ll bea r no responsibility or obliga tion with respec t to the
ma nner of use of a ny equipment sold by it. Listen spec ific a lly disc la ims a nd nega tes a ny wa rra nty of merc ha nta bility
or fitness of use of suc h equipment inc luding, without limita tion, a ny wa rra nty tha t the use of suc h equipment for a ny
purpose will c omply with a pplic a ble la ws a nd regula tions. The terms of the wa rra nty a re governed by the la ws of the
sta te of Uta h.
In the first ninety da ys a fter purc ha se, a ny defec tive produc t will be repla c ed with a new unit. After 90 da ys, Listen
will, a t its own disc retion either repa ir or repla c e tra nsmitters a nd rec eivers with a new unit or a unit of simila r type
a nd c ondition. Produc t tha t is not c overed under wa rra nty sha ll be repa ired or repla c ed with a unit of simila r type
a nd c ondition ba sed on a fla t fee. C onta c t Listen for deta ils.
This limited wa rra nty, pric es a nd the spec ific a tions of produc ts a re subjec t to c ha nge without notic e.
Contacting Listen
If tec hnic a l servic e is needed, plea se c onta c t Listen. Pre-a uthoriza tion is required before returning Listen produc ts.
If produc ts were da ma ged in shipment, plea se c onta c t the c a rrier, then c onta c t Listen for repla c ement or repa ir
requirements pa ya ble by the c a rrier.
Listen’s c orpora te hea dqua rters a re loc a ted in Bluffda le, Uta h U.S.A. a nd a re open Monda y through Frida y, 8a m to
5pm Mounta in Time.
14912 Herita gec rest Wa y
Bluffda le, Uta h 84065-4818
North Americ a
fa x
support@listentec h.c om
www.listentec h.c om
Optional Ac c essories
Microphone Accessories
Noise C a nc eling
Mic rophone
Over-the-Hea d Mic
w/ Ea rphone
Ha nd-Held
Mic rophone
er ic rophone
Over-the-Hea d
Mic rophone
C onferenc ing
Mic rophone
C olla r
Mic rophone
Line/Mic Y Input
C a ble for LT-700
Over-the-Ea r Mic rophone
Presenta tion Style
Behind-the-Hea d
Mic rophone
High C a pa c ity AA Alka line
Ba tteries (2)
LA-311 16-Unit Porta ble C ha rging/C a rrying C a se
LA-313 16-Unit Porta ble C a rrying C a se
LA-317 4-Unit Porta ble C ha rging/C a rrying C a se
LA-318 4-Unit Porta ble C a rrying C a se
LA-320 C onfigura ble C a rrying C a se
LA-321 8-Unit Porta ble C ha rging/C a rrying C a se
LA-322 8-Unit Porta ble C a rrying C a se
LA-323 4-Unit Porta ble C ha rging/C a rrying C a se w/Remova ble Lid
LA-324 8-Unit Porta ble C ha rging/C a rrying C a se w/Remova ble Lid
LA-325 16-Unit Porta ble C ha rging/C a rrying C a se w/Remova ble Lid
Rec ha rgea ble AA NiMH
Ba tteries (2)
Listen Tec hnologies C orpora tion
14912 Herita gec rest Wa y
Bluffda le, Uta h 84065-4818, U.S.A.
North Americ a
fa x
www.listentec h.c om
Printed in C hina
© 2009 Listen Tec hnologies C orpora tion® All Rights Reserved 09162009
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